
Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 19, 2010 - Cardiology recap

Caden's attempt to help us untangle the lights.......

As the holidays are approaching and things tend to get more busy with the upcoming arrival of BS #2 I figured I better finish what was discussed at Caden's last Cardiology appointment last week. As we expected from taking Caden's oxygen saturations at home there would be some sort of intervention in the near future for him and indeed it looks like doctors are going to have us continue to monitor his sats (which are now approximately 74-76) a decline from his normal 82. Surprisingly, with his lower sats his color still looks good (not dusky, or blue), and he seems energetic. What we don't know unfortunately (due to lack or studies) is what happens if these kids oxygen sats stay too low, too long. We are heading back in early March for another check-up and at this time doctors are discussing a potential heart catherization. This will allow doctors to see if the lower numbers are because he has been on/off sick, if collaterals are forming, or he simply is "outgrowing" his 2nd heart surgery (the Glenn) and will need #3 surgery (the Fontan) sooner than later. We also discussed when he is under during this procedure we will have ENT scope his vocal cords to see what they see now that he is a little older and bigger and if there is
anything we can do to help alleviate the wheezy breathing and issues that occasionally arise from his paralyzed vocal cord.

Although the thought of another surgery is scary, David and I have had time to absorb this is going to happen and it's now just a matter of when it's going to happen. The good news is I'll still be out on maternity leave (if they choose to do this in March or early April) so I can be with him as he recovers in the hospital and at home and not have to worry about work.

Speaking of maternity leave......for those of you who are wondering. I am starting to dilate, but obviously that doesn't mean a lot....I am so very, very, very, very ready to have this baby. For all you mom's out there. I am officially not sleeping, swelling, so uncomfortable not even 6 pillows can help alleviate the discomfort. So, as David keeps telling me I can't go into labor now (seeing I would be in the hospital during Christmas). I am ready! Otherwise, doctors will not let me go beyond the 28th (my actual due due.....with a planned C-section on my due date). I work up until the 23rd so I'm just praying to get through these last few days even though my classes are determined my water will break while I'm teaching and they think that would be "cool". They have told me they would get the wheelchair, wheel me downstairs, and have even offered to drive me to the hospital. I'm not sure what is more humermous in that statement.........but it's a good way to end this post.

We are celebrating Christmas today with the Smith side of the family (in the event I wouldn't make it to Christmas) so we are looking forward to a great holiday with family today.

Happy Holidays -
Love - Melissa

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas from the Schmidts to the Smiths! Can't wait to meet BS2!!! She better hurry up and get here! ;-) Did I miss out on any boy/girl pools? My money is on a baby Julia! :-)
    Well, if Caden requires an intervention in the near future, I know of a pretty eager nurse who would love to take care of him! I'll have to see if Suzi is available... ;-) jk.
    Merry Christmas! See you next year!

