
Saturday, December 11, 2010

December 6, 2010 - Hypoplastic Clinic and RMH

Smith Family at the Ronald McDonald House 12-2010
Picture of Caden and I hanging on the wall at RMH with other families who have stayed here
Marilyn (the house director) and David in front of the beautiful Christmas Tree inside the living room of RMH

We took two trips up to Milwaukee this week for a Hypoplastic Clinic Appointment (Monday 12/6/10) and Yesterday (Friday 12/10) a Cardiology Appointment. Our every 6 month appointment with the Hypoplastic Team of doctor's and specialists went very well. In comparrison to our last visit. It would be nice to know exactly what is helping him the most but I'm sure it is a combination of his age, being around other kids in daycare, speech therapy, and of course David and I working with him. The therapists were very impressed with his overall scores.

Caden is almost 21 months.....

Bayley Test Scores (age equivalent) he scored.....

Cognitive (play) 23 months
Fine Motor 22 months
Gross Motor 19 months
Receptive Lang
(understanding) 18 months
Expressive Lang
(Talking) 19 months

Although he is still very limited on talking, we continue to work on sign language which Caden is helping cut down on his frusteration. He signs more, milk, water, book, sleep, cheese, and I've seen the occasional apple, and his version of yogurt which I'm trying to teach him but it's rather sloppy.

The only disappointing news we received (that we sorta were prepared for) was his low oxygen sats. We had a seperate cardiology appointment on Friday in which we will post on that later.

I would rather dwell on the good news for now....

After our appointment David and I went over to the Ronald MdDonald Home to drop off more pop tabs and some items we purchased for the house that was on their "wish list". I know most of you who know us understand what a special place this is to us, but I'm not sure I'll be able to explain how gratifying it was to leave that cart full of items. It was better than buying or receiving any other gift! We also got to see Marilyn (the house director) who also has a special place in our hearts.

On our way out we got to see the picture that was graciously taken by Jim Bovin, a volunteer photographer for the RMH. They had framed it and it was hanging on the wall with many other families that have considered RMH a home away from home. It is picture of Caden and I (he was about 3 months old) and we were getting discharged from CHW for the first time. It was so great (Jim) was able to come to the hospital to capture a moment David and I will never forget.

Love to you -


  1. So good to see you guys! Hope you get to enjoy this Christmas holiday without any extra trips back up here... Love the Christmas card! Such a handsome young man! Can't wait for BS2!!!

    Love, Julie

  2. I loved the pictures! Can't wait to see you all again for the arrival of BS#2!

  3. Hello Smith Family,
    Happy Holidays! Love, love, love Caden's Christmas photo..what a cutie! Also, love the RMH photo. I'm sure it brought and still brings tears to your beautiful and precious! We hope to hear from you soon on the arrival of Baby Smith. So glad to hear the great news of Caden doing so well.

    Love to all of you this holiday season,
    The Petska Family

  4. I am glad to hear that overall Caden is doing well! I know how excited he must be for Christmas. All Lilly does is pull of the ornaments from the tree! I miss you all so much and I look forward to more updates on what is going on in the Smith House.
