
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

December 28, 2010 - Introducing Griffin Marshall Smith 9lbs - 21.5 inches long

Caden still a little unsure of his new little brother........

Dad and son.......
Proud Grandparents - Fred and Rita Monroe and Sue and Cliff Smith.
Our first look at Griffin. Look what my husband did with his hat....?!?!? I'm a swollen as the stay-puff marshmello man
My first look at Griffin in the operating room. Born at 10:23 am; 12/28/10.

Caden is officially a big brother to Griffin Marshall Smith. He weighed in at 9 lbs. 21.5 inches long. I was determined I would have baby before my due date but Griffin decided to wait till my due date when I had a planned c-section. I was in the hospital for 4 days recovering while family watched Caden. We are doing good, just trying to adjust to Griffin's sleep schedule (or maybe I should say lack thereof). Here are some pics taken while in the hospital.



  1. I've been checking each day and I am so happy everyone is doing well! I will miss seeing you at work but am thrilled for you, David and Caden.

  2. Congrats! He is handsome! Caden will get used to him and love all over him.
    What a great Christmas present!

  3. LOVE Caden's hair in the pic with Griffin!! Love the look on his face too! It's amazing how big he looks next to his little brother!!!! :o) It also looks like he was having a great time playing in the snow!!!

    The first thing I noticed was David's surgical cap....what a dork! Or does that make me the dork for realizing that first? (Probably!)

    Great pics!! We are so happy for you guys!!!

    I hope that Griffin gets in a GOOD sleeping pattern ASAP! Hope you are feeling good Melissa!!

    We love you guys!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a little miracle!! What a joy...enjoy each moment!! The picture with Caden and baby brother is sooooo cute!! So happy for your family!!!

    Justin, Jodie, & Lindsey Jo

  5. Melissa,
    I just want you to know how teary it made me when I saw the close-up of you and Griffin. I had a similar picture when I had my second baby, Autumn. I got teary because I was sooo happy for you guys as I have been, without your knowing, keeping track of Caden and your family since the day he was born. I have your blog as one of my favorites tabs that I check on a nightly basis for updates. I just care so much for Caden and your family and pray often. I congratulate you on your new addition. I just know how happy and joyful Caden and Griffin will make you and your family over the years! God Bless!
    Vanessa Land Estes

  6. You two make beautiful babies together! Congratulations to you all! Can't wait to meet the little guy!


  7. I have been waiting to see pictures of Griffin! Caden will get use to him soon! I am so happy for your family and can't wait to see the new and improved Smith Clan! Hugs and prayers always...
    Naomi and the Gesler Gang.
