
Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22, 2010 - So I thought......

Caden spent a good chunk of his morning catching up on some much needed sleep, but by mid-morning the spastic breathing started back. Thankfully, only a 5 minute episode. By late afternoon I had to make more calls to CHW to talk with our cardiologist on what to do because now it was lasting much longer, and was more intense. Do I get back in my car and drive up to Milwaukee? Just call 911? The cardiology nurse talked about him having croop but he doesn't have any other symptoms so they think (like before) it really is just a virus that has gotten close to that paralzed vocal cord making it very hard for him to breathe.

Yesterday he didn't even act sick, or remotely looked like he had been in the hospital for the last 2 days. Today, a totally different story. Very lethargic, decrease in appetite, and just acting different. It's weird how it comes and goes so quick. One minute we are playing together on the floor with his toys, the next I'm strapping him into his high chair to try to use the pulse ox machine, checking around asking my phone I have his medicines and important things handy in case I have to call 911 again. Ugggh!

The cardiologist gave us 2 baselines to follow for these next few days. Since Caden's O2 sats are again dropping significantly at times now if they don't bounce back up within a reasonable time (or he turns blue) just call 911 (so now O2 sats in the 60's and 70's are acceptable for a short time), or if we start seeing the breathing coupled with the unconsolable crying/sweating/nasal flaring. The doctor doesn't want to prescribe O2 at this time (as having oxygen sats going much higher than his norm which is 82 can actually do more harm than good). In my seems like more oxygen would be better, but this is why I'm not a cardiologist (ha). So although I'm so happy to be home, I must say my anxiety is much higher. I have been spot checking his O2 sats throughout the day, praying for less spastic, shortened breathing so healing can occur from whatever it is he has.



  1. We will keep praying for him.

  2. I really hope that this is "just" a viral thing and it goes AWAY! We will keep praying for Caden!

  3. Oh this is always so hard and such a stressful thing on heart parents. We've been thinking about and praying for Caden and for a full recovery. We'll continue to keep him in our prayers and we know he'll overcome this illness because he's such an incredible fighter with such amazing parents. Hang in there and know that we're all praying for you.

  4. Caden is in great hands because of his parents. Hope that this Viral thing goes away fast so he can get back to his running all over the house. Stay strong and know that we are all praying for caden daily.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  5. Sorry to hear it has been such a hard couple of days. We just got back from vacation and checked in on Caden only to be surprised to see that he was at CHW...Hope that this viral thing is short lived and that Caden is back to himself in no time. We will up the prayers for a quick recovery.

    Love you guys,

    The Buchmann's
    Chris, Michelle, Camryn, Casey, and ^^Carsyn^^

  6. I can't imagine how stressful this must be...will be praying for discernment, peace & healing.
