
Thursday, July 22, 2010

July 22, 2010 - We are home!

We wanted to let everyone know we are home and Caden is doing great. The docs increased his heart medication which seem to stablize his blood pressure and his oxygen sats are now back more in Caden's normal range. We never really found out what happened and why it affected his breathing like it did but they speculate it was probably an upper respiratory virus that caused some swelling in his throat. That coupled with his vocal cord damage caused the respiratory distress and difficulties breathing. Whatever it was it came on sudden, and hit him hard but he is doing well now.

I asked one of the doctors why this happened now and it hasn't happened before when he has had colds in the past but his explaination is that viral infections lodge in different areas of the body and this one was in an area that Caden's body couldn't fight himself without oxygen support etc....I think what is more scary for David and I is how something that seems so small can land these kids in the hospital. Thank goodness for our team of doctors and nurses up in Milwaukee who once again took great care of Caden (and us)!

Thanks for all the love and prayers ~


  1. Great news! I continue to check this blog frequently and you have my prayers and best wishes always.

  2. So happy to hear that you guys are home and that Caden is doing well! Sending lots of love your way:)
    Lindsay, Bryan, and Maddy

  3. Oh my! I haven't had the computer on since we were moving and this is the 1st time I have heard anything!!

    I am so very glad that he is better and you are home once again. Sending our love, Lilly, Dylan, Naomi, and Paul

    P.s. hopet everything is going good with the new Smith! Can't wait to see you in Milwaukee for the HHC Picnic
