
Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24, 2010 - Back to normal.......

Caden seems to be doing great again. We haven't had anymore issues with his breathing or low sats. He is playing, laughing, and eating again. Whatever caused this is weird, how it comes and goes, but hopefully it has passed and won't happen again. Thanks again for your prayers!



  1. Holy cow...I am sorry I missed all of this! So glad to hear Caden is doing better. We have been so lucky this summer with no viruses or scares, but then I get too lax about it always going to be like this for them??? We called 911 once for Gabi and it was the same exct experience. The EMTs freaked out when the pulseox at 78 and I said...oh thats pretty good, actually. They had no idea what her condition was either. At least Northwest Community in Arlington Heights, admitted they couldn't help her and called CHW right away. To make you feel a little reassured, Gabi's BNP number was at 270 last time she got it checked and I was thrilled with that number! She was up above 800 a few months ago. Let's catch up soon. I am so sorry you've had a tough few weeks....Teri

  2. So glad he is better and so sorry you all had to go through it! Always in our thoughts and prayers!

    Keith and Leah

  3. So glad Caden is doing well. What a scare that was. Hope you will not ever have to go through that again. Prayers are with you always.... Dawn

  4. Hi David and Melissa,
    You guys popped into my thoughts today so I decided to check in on Caden. Wow! Sounds like it's been a little bumpy lately. Glad to know things are smoothing out. WHAT A BEAUTIFUL BOY!
    I'm also excited to read that you're expecting a new baby.
    Best wishes to all of you.. keep up the good work!

  5. Oops,
    Forgot to sign my name!
    That posting above is from Grant's mom,
    Wendy Beltrami
    your old RMH neighbor!

  6. Justin and Jodie PusickAugust 5, 2010 at 12:46 PM

    Glad Caden is doing well again. Sounds like a few rough days. Congrats on baby #2. How exciting that Caden will be a big brother. WE'll pray for a fantastic ultrasound and healthy pregancy. Take care!


  7. Happy to hear Caden is back to feeling like himself. I've been thinking about you guys and hoping things have been going well. Hope your check up for baby #2 went well!

    Nurse Suzie
