
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May19, 2009 - Just when you think you're out.....

Well, we enjoyed our 2 days at home with Caden Marshall and all your well wishes however we are back at CHW. Don’t worry Caden is doing fine and resting comfortably.

Sunday Caden did not feed well and Monday was even worse. His maintenance (min) level is 500cc and at 10pm he had only ingested 283cc’s with just two feeds to go. At that point we took off the rose colored glasses (that we wear at home) and realized there was no way he was going to get close to what he needed. That coupled with the fact Caden threw up his latest dose of Digoxin Melissa and I were concerned. The single most important point that we heard when we left here on Saturday was that he needs to eat to stay hydrated. With the BT Shunt, if he does not stay hydrated then a clot would likely form at the Shunt causing critical blockage. We called the cardiologist on call at CHW and she instructed us to come in. So hear we are…….

We arrived just after 1:00AM and they immediately dropped in an NG tube, started him on pedialight (sp?), took a chest x-ray, and a set of labs. Caden Marshall is doing fine. All the tests came back normal so for now we just wait and see.

Thanks for the continued support.

David & Melissa


  1. Hang in there mom and dad...he's a toughie, and you'll get back home......cara

  2. I'm sorry the time home was not longer-but you are all fighters-you will all get through this. Your in our thoughts and prayers, as always.
    Much love-
    Steph Ritter

  3. Stay positive, he will let you know were he needs to be. He just wanted to go for a car ride and home to check out his crib. I hope you enjoyed some form of normal for 2 days in your own surrondings. Love Ya. Prayers for strength and health from Plainfield.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  4. Caden felt a little overwhelmed with his new home. He probably needs a little 'adjustment time'. If he is anything like his daddy, he also wanted to see what's new at CHW! Keep the faith! You are both taking such good care of Caden. It leaves me speakless and proud!

  5. I will start by saying "Praise the Lord" Caden is doing well. I will also say "great parents"--as much as you wanted to be at home with that beautiful boy, you had the mindset to know your limitations and took him back to CHW. That decision proved to be a good one and he is doing very well because of your smart choices.

    I will encourage you by giving you this scripture---"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"-Isaiah 41:10
    God already gave you the strength to make good decisions and he will continue to strengthen you through this situation.

    In Southern Illinois we have gone through some physical storms lately and we are coming out on the good side of that. You are dealing with a storm in your lives right now and though you are in the middle of this storm--there is light on the other side. I encourage you to listen to the song, "I Will Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns. The song speaks that even though your strength feels like it's almost gone. God will carry you through.

    Hold on to your family, friends, and faith---they will see you through. Wishing you all the best. Southern Illinois is praying for you every day and God is hearing those prayers. Caden Marshall is truly a miracle and his life is a testament to the power of God.

  6. We are thinking of you all and the ups and downs in your life. Hopefully, some day very soon things will begin to go smoothly once again. So happy that Caden is doing well right now and the lab results were normal. As for now, we'll take the good news and hang on to that. Love you all,

  7. Love and prayers from Marion. I've fallen in love with Caden following your blog the past two months. He is a precious gift. My deepest admiration for the two of you in displaying commitment and devotion to Caden. He is blessed.

  8. Glad to hear his levels are back and he is feeling better - leave it to a Smith Man to want many women (nurses and doctors included) fussing over him - Don't feel bad Melissa but looks like you have a ladies man on your hands!! Love and Prayers, Marty & Peggy Draper

  9. Today is Wednesday May 20th and it looks like the spring weather is finally here to stay...or at least we hope it is.
    So I guess you weren't ready to hang out at "H" yet. That's ok, your body will know when the time is right and then you will be "H" sooner than you can say; supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
    Who am I kidding you can't say anything right now...but you will be "H" when the time is right.
    Unfortunately the Blackhawks lost a heartbreaker last night and now trail the Redwings 0-2. But now they head to Chicago and with hopes to tie this series up.
    In basketball, the Lakers won a thriller in the first game of the Western Conference Finals when they defeated the Nuggets 105-103. The Eastern Conference Finals will start tonight when the Cleveland Cavaliers face the Orlando Magic. I will definitely keep you updated.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  10. Glad you guys got to enjoy a couple of nights at home. Also glad Caden is getting the care that he needs. Will continue to pray the he feeds well & keeps growing! You guys are doing an amazing job.
