
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20, 2009 - Still Here

Hello everyone. David here letting you know that Caden Marshall is still at CHW and doing fine. Our hopes of popping in and out have so far been dashed so far. We are however still holding out a bit of hope that we can spend just a bit more time with him at H before his next surgery. While we are disappointed to be back at CHW, we know that this is what is best for Caden as he receives such attentive medical care in CHW. Melissa and I provide all the love he can handle while the great nurses and doctors work to get everything right medically. To be honest, and even though they won’t admit it, I know there is love beyond the medical care from the some nurses and at least one doctor for our son.

Since Caden Marshall’s return to CHW he has been doing well. Still having a little challenge eating but doing much better over the last day which we hope continues. They have removed the NG feeding tube at this point and everything is now being fed orally. His saturation levels (SPo2) have been in the high 70’s which are acceptable. We would like to see them in the 80’s however we know neurological injury should not be an issue in the high 70’s. The Glenn is still scheduled for June 15th however if he does not eat well they will move it up in the schedule.

Since Monday night Melissa and I have been able to catch up on our sleep. Leah, our favorite social worker, was able to get us right back into the Ronald McDonald House. As a matter of fact we were placed right back into the extended stay room we had just left on Saturday. I know Melissa and I have talked about RMH in the past but let me just reiterate how fantastic that charity and the Milwaukee house is. We have met many families while we have been there over the last 60+ days and each one is very thankful. We all agree that our situations would be made much more difficult if the RMH facility was not available to us.

Melissa and I want to thank you for your letters, blog comments, voicemails, and conversations. We know you are feeling a bit of what we are feeling because you care about us. We would be having a much more difficult time without your support and encouraging words. I need to let you know that we are actually doing okay. Sure we have our moments but overall we are in a good space emotionally. I feel that we have finally accepted the path that God has put us on. We spend less time mourning the way we thought having a child ought to be. Instead we are spending more time embracing the way it is and are thankful for what we have. Melissa and I realize how lucky we are to have each other and our beautiful boy and look forward to the day when you get to meet him.

Prayers and thoughts for each of you.

David and Melissa


  1. Melissa and David----You two are amazing parents!! Keep the FAITH. Blessings, Tom and Gloria

  2. If God brings you to it, he WILL see you through it!

  3. Stay strong and positive. God will lead the way.
    You all our in our thoughts daily. God is good.
    Prayers from plainfield. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  4. Hey there! Thanks for the latest update as you answered some of my questions! :o) I am thankful to know you and to be a life long friend of yours David. You and Melissa are such an inspiration to me! You have always had such an awesome outlook on life. So glad that it has stuck with you all these years. And, Caden Marshall is reaping the benefits!!! Wish I could give the three of you a hug in person!

    Stay strong!

  5. All I can say is Caden is a special little boy and he has the BEST parents that God can give him! Love to you all!

  6. Caden is one lucky little boy to have you two as parents. We, too, are looking so forward to the day that we can meet him and give him lots of hugs and kisses. For now, we will read the blog daily and pray for continued success. Love to you all----

  7. You guys never cease to amaze me. Take care, my prayers are with you!

  8. You know, even before this post, I could tell that you both were handling this change-of-space well. Of course it isn't easy, but also you just want what is best for Caden and have already shown again and again that you will do whatever that is. Still praying for you here!

    Shelley Hudspath

  9. Hey...I missed you these past few weeks as no meetings in Milwaukee. It's definitely time to get that prayer rock back out! I'll be up again June 3rd and will stop in if you guys are still there. How do I get one of those T-shirts? They are really neat! Stay strong, and our thoughts and prayers are with you three. GG

  10. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Thursday May 21st and we are now at four beautiful days in a row.
    I wanted to make sure that you didn’t get down on yourself because you are back in the Hospital. As I mentioned before, our bodies are complex and very smart… so basically, it is telling you that for right now, this is obviously the best place for you to recover. Just please, keep staying focused, eat and build your strength up for your next step. If you do these things, I assure that you will be "H" sooner than you think.
    Since I last mentioned baseball, The White Sox have won 2 games in a row and are looking to sweep the Minnesota Twins today. While on the North side the Cubs have lost 2 in a row and are looking to avoid being swept by the St. Louis Cardinals.
    In basketball; the Orlando Magic handed the Cleveland Cavaliers its first loss in the Eastern Conference Finals last night. The Magic upset the Cavaliers, by winning this thriller 107-106.
    Tonight, Game two of the Western Conference Finals, {where the Lakers lead the Nuggets 1-0}, will be played.
    In hockey; Game two of the Eastern Conference finals will be played; the Penguins have won the 1st game of this series so the Hurricanes will try and tie it up tonight.
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  11. It must be SO nice to be home with your son. We're so happy for all of you and it's great to know that he's doing much better.
    We think he made sure to get home this week so daddy can watch the Cubs put a beatdown on the Sox. Congrats again and we're looking forward to many happy stories from home.

    Take care and Go Cubs!

    Todd, Kristen, baby Benji
