
Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16, 2009 - We are Home!

We are home. That is right, you heard me. We are home! I honestly do not know where to start other than to say we are very excited and happy today. We are very thankful for Gods blessings and all of your support.. We did not think we would actually get to spend any time at home before the Glenn but here we are and we could not be more excited. It was two months ago today Caden Marshall underwent the Norwood operation so I guess it fitting he comes home on its anniversary.

To fill you in; this past Tuesday the Doctors at CHW started talking about Caden Marshall potentially being discharged this Saturday (today). Melissa and I have been down this road before so we did not get our hopes up too much. To be honest, I was probably more pessimistic about coming home than Melissa. Anyway, having been down this road before, and in an effort not to jinx us or get your hopes as well, we were careful not to mention the possibility on the blog. We wanted to be certain.

Well let me tell you. We are certain because we are here. I am sitting on the couch watching Melissa feed Caden his medications right now! Caden Marshall had no troubles coming home and slept most of the ride. Since we got him home he has been awake most of the time. I think he is just taking in the new surroundings as he is bright eyed and looking curious. Melissa gave him a bath, put him in an outfit and he has been content just hanging out with us ever since.

Melissa and I could not be happier today. We know that this ride is not over but for now we are going to catch our breath and enjoy these moments. I wish I could describe how we are feeling today but I will leave it to your imagination. Whatever you come up with though, multiply it by 3.

We posted a couple of pictures above. You will the gist of most of them however let me talk about one in particular. If you see a face that you don’t recognize, that is our Dr. Nancy Ghanayem. You have heard us refer to her as “Dr. Nancy” a lot over the last two months. She is the Doctor that has been responsible for all of Caden Marshall’s care since his surgery and she will be there for him for the next one. I will not go into a lot of detail other than to say she is fantastic. We are blessed with her care as a Doctor and thankful for her, the person. Both of which we really enjoy.

That is all for now. We are putting together a little video to celebrate the road Caden Marshall has taken to get home. Look for what will probably be a youtube link soon.

Much love from our home in Cary, IL

David, Melissa, & Caden


  1. I'm really glad to hear that Caden's finally going home. I was hoping he would.

    Nick Schuzer

  2. David, Melissa, and Caden,

    I am so happy for you. Enjoy the moments as they pass very quickly. Keep up the healthy eating and grow strong Caden!

    Eric, Janelle, and Jackson

  3. Melissa and David!

    I have been on cloud nine since you told us your possible arrival to your HOME! I have been telling everyone of the excellent care Dr. Nancy has given your family! I am so happy for you!
    All those prayers from So. Illinois and EVERYWHERE has been raised up to God. We are so happy!

  4. Congratulations on being able to come home! There really is no place like home. You are absolutely right about Dr. Nancy; she is the greatest. She not only takes care of the babies but also Mom and Dad and family too. Enjoy your time being home as a family.
    Lois Petska

  5. All we can say is, "Thank God". What a long dark tunnel and now the light at the end is here!!! I know you and Caden will enjoy every single minute of it. There is no place like home.

  6. WONDERFUL News!!!!!!!!!!

    Love, Brad & Kelli Bishop

  7. Way to go Caden!!!!!!

    Love, Stacy (Jenke)VanTholen

  8. David and Melissa!!!

    I am so happy for you! Yesterday was a perfect day to take off from Milwaukee! I'm sure at times you never thought you'd ever be able to leave your gate. I'm sure you had a great flight home and I am thrilled that you had a smooth landing in Cary!

    I hope you will still update the blog even now and then. We will all love to know how Caden is doing at home! Seeing pictures of him at home would be really nice. (hint hint!)

    Enjoy your time as a family. I will continue to think of you guys and send positive thoughts your way!

    Love you guys!

  9. HURRAY!!!!!! Mike and I are soooooo happy that the three of you are home. What a wonderful blessing. There definitely is no place like home and I am sure Caden will thrive even more now. ENJOY

    Uncle Mike & Aunt Shirley

  10. WOOHOO!!! I'm so happy that you guys FINALLY busted out of here. I am going to miss all of you so much! I will be looking foward to our reunion! Caden, keep an eye on these two! :-) Take care and soak it up!

    Nurse Julie

  11. Welcome home Caden!! Can't wait until we can all go to Nicks Pizza :)

  12. OMG we are sooo happy for you guys! How exciting! Have a great time at HOME with your son :) We love you guys!
    Jen, Josh & Kasey

  13. Dear Davis and Melissa
    I'm overjoyed about Caden coming home. I'm so happy for all 3 of you. I'm praying this is the first step of many more good ones to come.
    May the happiness you are feeling today go on and one and on.
    Love, Aunt Ginny

  14. Hello Caden today is Sunday May 17th and it is a beautiful sunny day.
    Mine That Bird's runner-up Preakness finish means there will be no Triple Crown winner this year, but Rachel Alexandra joined an impressive list when she became the first filly in 85 years to win the second leg of the Triple Crown in the Preakness.
    The Blackhawks didn’t start the series off so well either, when they lost their first game of the Western Conference Finals, falling to the Detroit Redwings 5-2.
    But who cares about any of this sports stuff since you are finally home! What a great day it is. I can’t even imagine how happy your Mommy and Daddy are. I also wonder what is going through your little head…your first car ride, the first time you saw your new home, and finally getting to sleep in your own bed in your new house. What a great feeling that must be for your entire family. Please let me know how everything went during your trip home!
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  15. Yeah we could not be happier for all of you!

    Continued prayers for many more blessings.

    The Webers

  16. OMG OMG OMG you have finally landed at your destination. We are sooooooooooo happy, excited and thrilled for you guys. We have so many tears of joy for you. We hope you had a wonderful night at home. Enjoy every moment at home being together a FAMILY. Caden Marshall we are so VERY proud of you for sticking to your name "Little Fighter". Sending LOTS of hugs and kisses from Plainfield. Still praying for health and strength for the coming days. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  17. Home! Home, Home, HOME!!

    Congratulations! What a great feeling to have your whole wonderful family in your own personal HOME! Thank God!

    Shelley Hudspath

  18. What an answer to prayers!

  19. I am so HAPPY for you all. What a great feeling it is to read all of the good things that Caden has been doing and now he is home. I was so excited when Jen called to tell me. Congratulations!!! :) My prayers are alway with you.

    Love you guys,

  20. Now when I take the time to wash each little finger and each little toe I can smile knowing you ARE home doing the exact same thing. SO, SO, SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

  21. We are so excited and happy for your family. We have been following Caden's progress almost every day and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Val and Ari

  22. God is good!!
    Congrats to you all! We are so happy here at the Ritter house!! You're always in our thoughts-if you need anything-we are only 20 minutes away!

    Much love-
    The Ritters

  23. Monique Smith OtterbeckMay 17, 2009 at 9:47 PM

    Whoa Whoa Whoa!! Couldn't believe my eyes!! CONGRATS!!!!! So thrilled with the news that everyone is back where they belong! Enjoy these moments! Calling my mom now to share the good news!

  24. Congratulations Caden! You did it...that 5 minute walk gave you a little "outside of the hospital" feel and now you are home with your wonderful Mom and Dad! Enjoy every moment, God is good all the time! With continued prayers and joy! Jane

  25. Praise the Lord. Those pictures make me smile. Will continue to pray for you all during all the steps of your journey. God is good!

  26. Congratulations!! The thrill of bringing home a baby for the first time is like no other. The feeling you get is so amazing, you cannot even describe it.
    Continued thoughts and prayers coming your way!

  27. Congratulations! I'm SOOOO very happy for you!Welcome home, Caden!

  28. What wonderful news!!! We will continue to pray for you all--that the good news will keep coming. What a blessing to read about him each day.
    Kristi Gooch

  29. What great news! We are so happy for the three of you! Enjoy your family time!
    Bobby, Carol, Jamie & Tyler

  30. This is TRILLING news - and since I am comment #31 You have no doubt read this a lot but - CONGRATULATIONS on Coming Home!!! Enjoy the family bonding in your own little nest. Love, Joy and Prayers! Marty & Peggy Draper

  31. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Monday May 18th and it is another gorgeous day. The Sun is shining and the birds are singing loudly. And why shouldn’t everything be perfect…you are finally home, where you should be, with your mom and dad. So tell me Caden, what do you think of your new place…especially your room? I honestly can’t wait to finally give you that long awaited big hug and squeeze. Don’t worry, I promise not to squeeze too hard.
    Now that you are at home please do not forget to continue eating so that we can build your body up for the next stage of your tremendous battle. I am so proud of all of your victories…You truly are an amazing little boy!
    Well, all four teams have finally advanced and the Western & Eastern Conference Finals will soon begin. The Western Conference Finals will host the Los Angeles Lakers against the Denver Nuggets; and the Eastern Conference Finals will host the Cleveland Cavaliers against the Orlando Magic; in which two of these teams will eventually advance to the 2009 NBA Finals. I will give you all the details when the games actually begin.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  32. We are SOOOOO happy for you guys! Enjoy your time at home and the blissful "boredom" of "just hangin' out"! We will continue looking to the blog for updates and praying that the next procedure goes as well!

    Deb and Jeff Beginski

  33. Just have to say Lauren could not wait to wear her Caden shirt today to school to show off to her teacher who she has been giving updates to. Hope you guys had a great day at HOME. Prayers, Hugs and Kisses from Plainfield. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls and Patches

  34. THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME! (Didn't Dorothy say it best) We cannot tell you how happy we are. The joy and relief your hearts must feel is overwhelming. Enjoy every moments. Caden continues to be the ending words in the boys' prayers every night. We love you and are so happy to hear your news.
    Jim, Michelle, Austin, Bradley & Connor
    P.S. Will be wearing our Caden shirts to Smith Reunion in Osceola on Sunday. Always in our throughts! XOXO

  35. Wow! What a wonderful surprise to read this! My computer network has been down since all of the storms hit our area, so when I finally got back on today...I am so THRILLED for you all! Enjoy every hour of you all being home! You all are such a great inspiration to lots of us too! We have your Caden t-shirts on today too at school!
    With Love,

  36. So proud to wear our Caden t-shirts in Southern Illinois! Glad you are finally home- we continue to pray for you as you journey into the next step.

  37. yay!! so glad to hear you were able to bring him home!! Words can't express how happy we are for the both of you.
    we will keep your family in our prayers!

    Love, the O'Connors :-D

  38. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Tuesday May 19th and we have finally had three nice days in a's about time!
    Well, it is going to be another busy night in sports; the Blackhawks are going to try to even their best of 7 series, with the Detroit Redwings, at a game apiece.
    In Basketball, the Lakers and the Nuggets will start the Western Conference Finals;this is their first game in this best of 7 series.
    In baseball, on the North Side, the Cubs will start a 3 game series with the St. Louis Cardinals. The Cubs are doing very well and are currently in 2nd place and have won 5 out of their last 6 games.
    On the South Side, the White Sox will start a 3 game series with the Minnesota Twins. Unfortunately the Sox have hit a patch of bad luck and have lost 5 games in a row…hopefully they can turn it around soon.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.
