
Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4, 2008 - Not Today

Hey there. We were just informed that the CHW tower will not be giving us clearance to leave today. Feeding is the problem mixed in with concern about the saturation levels. They have ordered another chest x-ray and will look at potentially reducing the captopril dose.

We truly wanted to post something different today but we are working at Caden Marshall's pace here and will continue to do so.

David and Melissa


  1. Timing is in God's hands- even when we do not see that. Keep the faith and hold on to His truths.
    I can do ALL things who Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

  2. Hi!
    I know you are anxious to get home, but Caden is in a good place for his care. Our prayers are with all of you.

  3. The Skopek FamilyMay 4, 2009 at 5:56 PM

    We are sorry your flight and landing was delayed. We continue to pray and know that Caden is in the best care possible.
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  4. Melissa and David,

    I had a conversation with the man in charge of traffic control... there is apparently a problem with some flight operations... but don't worry he's definitely working on the delays and will give you the all clear from the tower when he is ready to dispatch! While he did say that the air traffic control tower has the ultimate responsibilty of keeping the passengers safe, he did want me to remind you that the "pilot" always has the final say in all flights... so tell Caden to hurry up and take over the cock-pit!

    We are ready for "take-off!"

    love you guys,

  5. Hey guys,

    Sorry to hear about the "h" word not happening yet. That happened all the time with Brynlyn. There were some topics that we just couldn't talk about in front of her and had to leave her room to discuss just because we knew she'd hear and we knew she understood what was going on around her. How is it that these little ones know just when to start "acting up." Gee whiz! ha ha You guys are always in our prayers and we'll be hoping and praying for the best for Caden and for continued good health.

    the Jensens

  6. My prayers for a day coming real soon. Love & support,

  7. Sorry to hear about the delay - but you know us Smith kids - we will not be rushed into doing anything - we take our time and will let you know when we are ready. He is so beautiful! Love, Peggy

  8. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Tuesday May 5th which means Cinco de Mayo is upon us. I thought I would give you a little refresher on the history behind the holiday: The holiday is Mexican and it celebrates the victory of 4,000 Mexican soldiers against 8,000 French forces on the morning of May 5, 1862.
    The battle of Cinco de Mayo took place at the town of Puebla, 100 miles east of Mexico City. The French army attacked Mexico City, assuming that the Mexican army would surrender if their capital city was taken:
    However, the outnumbered and out gunned Mexicans defeated the French army in a great victory…which up to this point, the French army had not tasted defeat in over 50 years.
    A common misconception is that Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico's Independence Day; which is not true…actually; Mexican Independence Day is September 16th.
    Caden, always remember: What one loses today one may gain tomorrow. ~ Don Quixote.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  9. I just saw the video, we thank you for thinking of all of us watching Caden grow. I do believe he gets cuter everyday!! God's timing is perfect. I continue to pray for Caden daily and for strength for his very special parents! Jane
