
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009 - More surgery

Hey bloggers. Today was an eventful day for Caden Marshall and Melissa and I are glad he won’t remember it. As you know we were not able to get back to where we live Monday as previously anticipated. As a matter of fact we took a couple of steps away from our front door.

Over the weekend Caden’s saturation levels (SP02) began to trend more under 80% than over. Also concerning was that that he started to drop into the 60’s for short periods of time more often. So instead of going home Monday a cardiologist and Dr. Nancy decided to send Caden into the catheter lab (cathlab) to see what is going on with the blood flow in the arteries around his heart. They did that procedure today.

In the cath lab cardiologist insert at catheter into the femoral artery around the groin and feed it up to the heart. They shoot die in and take videos to measure pressures and such under general anesthetic. They found some narrowing at the top and bottom of the BT Shunt so they did some “ballooning” to try and spread the opening and improve the flow. The success of the procedure would be reflected in the SP02 levels going up. Shortly after the procedure the SP02’s were up but then they started to level off in the high 70;’s. Not the numbers we were hoping for (mid 80;s) but the doctors we should wait till he comes out of the sedation stage to assess him. We will wait and see what is said however they are already talking about an early Glenn procedure again.

Today was a tough day for Caden Marshall. Right after the cathlab he was whining with every exhale and was inconsolable at times during his hard cries. The Drs and nurses were trying morphine for the pain and another med for the anxiety to make him comfortable. We weren’t supposed to be able to hold him till 4 hours after surgery but they let us pick him up almost right away because the effort he was spending on his cry. Lucky Caden knows he is safe in the arms of his mom and dad and he settled down for us. We hate to see him in pain but love that we make a difference by holding him. At this writing Caden is in Melissa’s arms. He is still whimpering and is under the effects being sedated but we know he will come out of it soon and feel better. Once he is awake enough to eat we believe things will get better for him as well because he has not eaten since 3AM.

We always appreciate your prayers and thoughts toward the successes of our son so please……….

That is all for now as it was a tough road to walk today. Good night.



  1. Our hearts are with you guys. Caden is such a little fighter. As you walked threw a rough road today, remember we were all there holding your hand along the way. Stay positive and god will guide you. Sending prayers and strength from plainfield. Love you guys. O by the way did I tell you he is soooooooooo dam cute.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  2. David & Melissa,

    Sending our love and prayers from Arizona. Keep your spirits high, even during the tough days. I know it is so tough to see a child in pain. Take comfort in knowing that he will not remember today, but will be forever grateful for the care and love you give him each and every day.

    Eric, Janelle, and Jackson

  3. Hi!
    Yesterday will be a day that none of us will wish to remember! As grandparents, it is so hard to hear that all that crying was for nothing. We have to have faith that somehow the procedure will give the doctors insight.

    There is NOTHING like the comfort of a parent's arms around you. It is for his benefit as well as yours! The only thing I can say is all of Southern Illinois had their arms around you and Melissa yesterday! We all love you so, and find it hard to comprehend what it must feel like for you and Melissa to deal with all that has happened! Just know that Fred and I encircle you with our prayers, hearts, and love each day.

  4. Mark and Sheril RayMay 6, 2009 at 6:23 AM

    Love and support from us to the three of you!

  5. You all three continue to be in our hearts and prayers, even at 4:30 the morning. God bless you all, Jane Bales

  6. Melissa and David...Prayers and God's love surround the three of you night and day. God will give you strength for each day. We all pray that your precious baby boy will feel better today, and KNOW he is secure when he feels your arms around him and hears your words of comfort. (Wish I was there to help you in some small way...pretend you can feel this hug for YOU........did you feel it?) My love to you. Donna

  7. We think and pray for you all through the day. Blessings, Tom and Gloria

  8. Hi Melissa and David, Words can't express how sorry, upset, etc. that we are about Caden. Yesterday was one of the longest days I have spent. I can't even imagine how you must have felt. You were in our hearts and prayers all day. All of Marion is hoping those saturation levels will go up today and he will eat well. I hope you can feel our arms around you just as Caden can feel your arms around him. Love you all.

  9. I am reminded of an old hymn- God will take care of you, through ever day ore all the way- He will take care of YOU! God will take care of you!
    Hold that baby and love on him every moment you can. I pray for comfort and rest today- for you all.

  10. I hope today will be much calmer and more restful for all of you. This little guy has so much fight in him...just wait until his teen years! Oh boy! Take care, and we are thinking about you all the time!

  11. We are continuing to pray. We will pray for all of your comfort. We know Caden finds comfort from each of you and we hope you find comfort in knowing countless prayers are going up for you. I pray today God will pour out His blessings on Caden and his mom and dad.

  12. Hope his levels improve and he is having a better day today. Prays and blessings. Marty & Peggy Draper..

  13. We are all praying for you here at North. Hope Caden has a better day. He is such a precious little boy.

  14. Melissa, Every parent empathizes with you. I know how hard it is when your little one hurts and relief comes slowly. The dedication and vigilance the two of you have shown are the "medicine" that will heal your little guy. Love and faith will see you through and these difficult moments will eventually become distant memories. Take care, Nora Bowers

  15. Prayers for comfort and strength for all of you!
    We think about you all the time and how strong all of you are- we will continue to pray for that strength each day!

    The Webers

  16. Sending all 3 of you lots of love and prayers!!!

    The Ritters

  17. The Skopek FamilyMay 6, 2009 at 6:36 PM

    I have read the blog like 10 times today and haven't been able to comment because I am not sure if there are any words to express how I am feeling. I want to be able to hold Caden and tell him to keep fighting. He is a part of an awesome family and your love and devotion to him will continue to guide him through.
    Until we can hold him in our hands, we will continue to hold him in our hearts.
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  18. Monique Smith OtterbeckMay 6, 2009 at 9:32 PM

    It is so tough to hear about the hard times, I (and I know that many others) have been praying so hard for good news and good days for Caden. So sorry that "H" is not happening now--I speak for all of the "Caden-Heads" that we wish you had been able to enjoy some time as a family in a place that is comfortable and familiar. But God has a plan for this little boy and the time for "H" must be meant for later. God will only put as much on your shoulders as He knows you can take. He knows your strength, and He knows the strength in little Caden, He will guide you through this to a "H"appy place.

    You are always in our thoughts....keep fighting!

    By the way, how cool is your kid to have groupies at less than two months?!?
