
Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9, 2008 - No oxygen tube!

Hi everyone. It's Melissa. It was a pleasant surprise to see Caden's oxygen was taken off during the night. They slowly were weaning it over the last few days to see that Caden can now tolerate room air and still have high oxygenation levels. It is so exciting to see Caden have nothing on his face. His little face had broken out quite a bit from the tape so we are hoping to see that clear up now that he is "tube-free".

David and I are enjoying have Grandma and Grandpa Smith here with us. They arrived yesterday and are going to stay the weekend with Caden. David bought concert tickets to "Fall out Boy" for me for my birthday (yes, I'm a groupie of this band) thinking we would be home so we were unsure we would be able to use them. However, now that Caden has recovered from his cath and is stable we are going to take advantage of going to the concert and sleep in our bed in Cary tonight. I'm actually excited because it's the first time we both have home since Caden was born.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers and Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there!

Melissa and David


  1. Happy Mother's Day Melissa!

    Eric, Janelle, and Jackson

  2. Caden will sure be spoiled by "G" smiths. What wonderful news on caden marshall. He is improving everyday by GODS will. Hope you guys have a great time on your night out together. You need this time with each other to regroup and connect. Love Ya. Prayers from Plainfield.

    HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Rick Nancy Girls

  3. Happy Mother's Day!!!!

    Steph Ritter

  4. Monique Smith OtterbeckMay 9, 2009 at 6:29 PM

    Aunt Sue and Uncle Cliff will treat their newest grandbaby with nothing but the VERY BEST spoiling! Have a great time at the concert!!

    From all the Caden-Heads to the Caden-Parents, congrats on another amazing step towards "H" and a very Happy Mother's Day, Melissa.

  5. Happy Mother's Day Melissa! Hope you enjoyed your night out. You guys deserve it. Here's to another great day tomorrow!

  6. The Skopek FamilyMay 9, 2009 at 7:39 PM

    I remember when they finally took Chase's NG tube out, his poor little cheeks looked so raw. But give it a few days and Caden face will be smooth and his cheeks will be rosy not raw.
    Hope you had a nice night away
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  7. Wonderful news. We hope you have an amazing time at the concert and a well deserved night's sleep in Cary. Uncle Cliff and Aunt Sue will spoil little Caden with the all the best love and attention. Enjoy the time for just the two of you - you have earned it!

    Happy Mother's Day Melissa! We will be thinking of you.

    Love you all,
    Jim, Michelle, Austin, Bradley & Connor

  8. Good Morning Caden-
    Today is Sunday May 10th and I hear that you are being overally spoiled by your Grandparents this weekend. Hey, I wanted you to know that it was very nice of you to let your mommy and daddy go spend some time together yesterday…I am sure that they truly appreciate it. And besides, the timing of your gift couldn’t have come at a better time, since today we are celebrating Mother’s Day.
    The modern Mother's Day holiday was created by Anna M. Jarvis as a day for each family to honor its mother. After Anna Reeves Jarvis died, her daughter Anna M. Jarvis campaigned for the creation of an official Mother’s Day in remembrance of her mother and in honor of peace. In 1908, Anna petitioned the superintendent of the church where her Mother had spent over 20 years teaching Sunday School. Her request was honored, and on May 10, 1908, the first official Mother's Day celebration took place at Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia and a church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    The majority of countries that celebrate Mother's Day do so on the second Sunday of May. On this day, it is common for Mothers to be lavished with presents and special attention from their families, friends and loved ones.
    So be sure to continue being extra good to your beautiful mommy today.
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  9. Happy Mother's Day Melissa

  10. Hi guys,

    I'm so happy you guys are getting away for a bit to enjoy TIME with each other away from the busyness and roller-coasters of hospital life. I know this special one-on-one time will be an experience that Caden's grandparents will always remember and cherish forever! What a special gift to them.

    I hope you guys are totally rockin' out at the concert and having the best time together. Heaven knows you guys DESERVE this weekend away and so much more. Enjoy every moment with each other.

    You guys are an amazing family and you have been such an inspiration to the many, many people who are following along with your story. Thank you for including us along in your journey. We look forward to our every day updates to see how Caden is doing.

    He is incredible and such a trooper! We're so proud of him and we know he's going to rock and roll through this experience so he can get along with life.

    Melissa, Happy Mother's Day!!! This is truly a "first mother's day" for the record books and one that you're sure to never forget! You are an incredible mother and you are an inspiration to me.

    Have a super weekend guys!

    With Love,
    Susie Jensen and family

  11. Melissa,
    I hope you have a very special Mother's Day! It was nice to hear that you had some normalcy to your weekend! I'm sure it was a great stress relief! It was wonderful to hear the good news about Caden being "tube free"!! Looking forward to some more good news!


  12. Happy Mother's Day, Melissa. I was at my parent's last night and looked "your way" and thought of you (as I always do) as I turned onto Industrial Drive. Little did I know you were there! Hope you had a wonderful time. Love, hugs and kisses to you all.
    Thinking of you each and every day,

  13. Melissa and Dave~ I am so very glad that Caden is doing good. you will be home with him soon enough just like we are with Lillyann! Caden has come a long way and you both know that he has alot of people thinking about his homecoming...God Bless you all!!
    Naomi and Paul Gesler
    Lillyann's mom and dad

  14. Happy Mother's Day Melissa!!! He looking great! I cant wait to see more pics tube-free! Think of you and your family often, Bethany

  15. Happy First of many Mother's Day Melissa-
    I am so glad you got some "adult time" last night and I am sure G'ma and G'pa Smith spoiled him!! Looks like David had to put his hat down- must have been watching the Brewers VRS Cubs.......oh yea Caden, the Brewers won 2 of the 3 games- you must have been wearing your Brewers shirt today :)
    Have a wonderful rest of your day!
    Love, Meg
