
Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009 - What a difference a day makes!

I'm happy to report today was a MUCH better day for Caden. All the blood work came back fine (no infections), his resting heart rate is back to normal, and he is starting to smile and act himself. Doctors believe Caden has just struggled with recovering from his anesthesia. We never noticed the symptoms after the 1st surgery because they were masked because he was so heavily sedated. The best news is that Caden's oxygen saturations which were in the 70's and even sometimes dipping into the 60's are now more in the 80's. Doctors believe the ballooning of the arteries from the cath definitely attribute to the higher saturations but what we aren't sure is how long these higher saturations will last. Today we also slowly reduced the amount of oxygen Caden needs and he seems to be tolerating it well (so far). The best news of the day was that Caden got to go OUTSIDE! Yes, outside! It was a gorgerous day today in Milwaukee and I was talking to a group of nurses about how badly I wanted to pack Caden away in my big backpack and walk out the ICU doors to enjoy the day. Our nurse Cathy said as long as we didn't come in contact with anyone let's run it by the doctor on call to see if she would agree. Not in a million years did I think the doctor would approve but she did. She said as long as the nurse goes with, and we don't come in contact with anyone she would let us go. We bundled Caden up and nurse Cathy hooked Caden up to all the portable machines and off we went to the secret hosptial staff elevators, out the side door, and down the sidewalk. It was amazing. This was Caden's first day out of the hospital in 8 weeks. We walked down the sidewalk until we got to people then we had to turn around and come back. Although it was only about a 5 minute walk, it was the best 5 minutes. We hurried back up the side elevator and back to room #306. I think it was 5 minutes of heaven :-)
I know David was dispppointed he wasn't able to join us today, but I'm excited for him to return as Caden always eats better for his dad. I think it's because David explains in detail what his favorite meals are to Caden while he is feeding him. He will start off with the appetizer (which of course if you know my husband has to be mozzerella sticks or something fried), then move on to the main meal (which is a mouthwatering steak) then he will top it off with dessert. I think it is partly therapeutic for David because he too dreams of eating this food after all the meals in the cafeteria. Those of you who know David are probably laughing because he loves his food, but not cafeteria food. He will even try to con the staff into leaving their shift to get us food Julie, Suzie, Shelly, Leah, Liz and Jackie I know you all are laughing. David will do anything to get out of eating in Cafe West or the Froedert Cafeteria. I mean ANYTHING!

I snapped this picture on my walk home tonight. I couldn't help but feel a warm, fuzzy feeling inside as I glanced up and saw that beautiful rainbow over the hospital. I stared at it for quite a while and couldn't help but think of how God continues to walk with us each and every day. Some days good, some days not so good, but that he's always by our side. Today was a good day!
Thanks for your continued support and prayers.

Melissa and David


  1. The Skopek FamilyMay 7, 2009 at 6:43 PM

    We are so glad that Caden got to enjoy the beautiful weather. I am saddened that David wasn't able to share in that "FIRST" in Caden's life, but am confident he will be there for so many more.
    Glad the day was better.
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  2. What a great day for you and Caden to finally step outside!!!!
    Lots of prayers continue for all of you.

    The Webers

  3. Hooray for a great day! Love and prayers.

    Eric, Janelle, and Jackson

  4. Oh Melissa!!! :o) So glad to be able to read such a positive post from you this evening!! I could totally hear the excitement in your words!! I can only imagine what those five minutes outside with Caden meant to you!! I'm sure it was a wonderful treat for both of you. Well the three of you including Caden's nurse! I wonder what his reaction was??? Did the wind blow him lightly on the face? Did the sun shine in his eyes? What a wonderful moment for you!! And this time there are no pictures, and I truly feel like I was there! I think your words were better than a picture for this win!!!

    I must admit, yesterday was very hard for me to write any comments. Everything I would have said was already said, and said ever so nicely!! I made many attempts at posting, only to delete them not knowing how to express my disappointment for you guys. I think you know my heart belongs with you guys. I want you to know that there hasn't been a day since January that you guys aren't thought about.

    Much love and many positive thoughts to the Smith Family!
    Christine Schuzer

  5. Yea! Yea! Yea! I couldnt be more excited to read the post today! Especially since this means that if Caden enjoyed the walk today then later this summer he can come on our walking adventures in the stroller... Glad to hear things are going better! Love you all, Jilly! :)

  6. WOW caden marshall got to see the big world where he is going to do something really special. My heart just exploded with pure happiness when I read the post. Tears were running down my face for you and how it must have felt to take that first walk outside with your son. A day that you will treasure forever. Hope everyday is a step forward. GOD is GOOD. Love ya. Prayers coming from Plainfied.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  7. What a great report and what a great day. Melissa, did you ever think that 5 minutes outside could be so wonderful--all those marathons you ran and nothing compares to those precious five minutes. As your dad always says, "One day at a time." And we hope everyday from now on gets better and better. WE are praying that one day soon Caden can be outside all day on the swing set. Thinking of you always and always---

  8. Awesome news! The sun was shining here today as well. What a difference it can make. Praying for another great day tomorrow...

  9. Melissa!

    What great news! Just think of all the wonderful walks you will be able to take Caden on when he is all well. God is looking after you,and is giving you that ray of hope and sunshine today!

  10. What a joy it is to experience those magic little bits of normal with Caden! I am even a little teary picturing you sucking in fresh air and strolling (!!) outside (!!) with your precious boy. Of course there are tough times ahead, but you just want to stuff these good days into your purse and pull them out to remember later on! Congratulations on a successful outing!

    Shelley Hudspath

  11. The McCulloch FamilyMay 8, 2009 at 6:57 AM

    Tears of joy clouded my eyes as soon as I saw the rainbow, I knew that I would love what the blog had to say! The tears continued to roll as I read your beautiful words! I am so OVERJOYED to hear what a wonderful day you had! I remember how exciting it was to bring the Megan & Ty out for their first walk, I imagine it is 1000 time more exciting for you! Keep the good news coming! We will continue to pray for good days. The pot of gold at the end of that rainbow is a healthier stonger Caden! Keep fighting lil man! We love you so much!
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan and Ty

  12. Grandma Smith: PRAISE GOD!

  13. Melissa,
    What a perfect picture to go along with this blog entry! Cheryl said it best, "the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow is a healthier stronger Caden!"

    The Schuzer's

  14. What a beautiful sight. I think that the other blogger was right. Caden is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is so nice to see that Caden had a better day. He his such a strong little man. Hope the weekend is just as good. God bless!

  15. I am sure Caden loved his outside time with mom no matter how short - maybe not as much as you though *grin*... hope he continues to improve and you have a Blessed and Lovely Mother's Day this weekend!!! Peggy Draper

  16. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Friday May 8 and it is a glorious day. I am so glad to hear that you are recovering very well and that all of your levels are increasing nicely. So how awesome was it to go for a walk with your mommy?
    What a special moment that had to be for you and her. That was the best news I heard in a very long time! Keep moving forward and soon you will be “H” and going outside on a regular basis.
    What did you think of that beautiful rainbow that your mommy saw? What a great sign of peace that must have been for everyone.
    A rainbow is merely an arc of colored light in the sky, which displays the full spectrum of colors that make up the sun's white light. This amazing site appears when the sun's light breaks up as it passes through, the raindrops during a rain-shower. As the sunlight enters the falling raindrops, it breaks up into its true colors of red, orange, yellow, blue, and violet. These colors are always arranged in order, with red being at one end of the spectrum, and violet at the other.
    So has the staff been giving you a hard time since the Cubs are starting another series with Milwaukee?
    I will most definitely let you know how those games end up. Also the Black Hawks have the tied their best of 7 series, with the Canuks, at 2 games apiece. The winner of this series will be playing in the Western Conference Finals with hopes to make it to the Stanley Cup Showdown.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  17. Monique Smith OtterbeckMay 8, 2009 at 11:27 AM

    Caden-Heads are rejoicing across the country! Hooray for a good day and praying for this trend to continue! Love and support to the Smiths in Cheeseland.

  18. There really is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!!!!

  19. What a beautiful picture! What a wonderful post! You make my heart happy to read your happy words! As the previous post pointed out: Caden is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!!!

  20. The rainbow says it all. What great news.
    Aunt Becky

  21. God is good and works in mysterious ways! Praise be to God!!

  22. Keep up the fight Caden! You are doing wonderfully and I just know you will be able to go home soon! Mom and Dad, you keep up the fight too! Hang in there Smith Family! Better days are yet to come, the rainbow was a sign the pot of gold is just within reach! Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way! God Bless!

  23. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Saturday May 9th and it is windy and colder than normal. I was wondering if the staff has started to rub it in yet? Yes, the Milwaukee Brewers won the first game of this 3 game series when they won 3-2. The Cubbies will try and tie the series at a game apiece tonight. It wasn't any better on the other side of town where the White Sox lost to the Texas Rangers 6-0. Hopefully, today will be a better day.
    The Blackhawks are playing tonight in hopes to take the lead in this best of 7 series. Let's keep our fingers and toes crossed that Chicago will come out on top in all of these games…Yes; I will be sure to let you know what happens?
    Have a wonderful day Caden
