
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009

Caden is such a stinker! We put little socks on both his hands to prohibit him from pulling out his NG tube, but today he found a way to yank the tube right out (even with the socks). Doctor's are going to wait and see if Caden can eat his recommended 80cc without the tube, and if so they won't put they tube back in.

Caden has also been fighting a real bad diaper rash that we can't seem to get rid of. They are trying to figure out if the increase in the antibiotics might be causing it as it has surpassed the "normal" diaper rash in babies. He has spent a good majority of the day whimpering as it is so painful for him, but I did still manage to get some pics which I will be posting later tonight.

Hopefully all of our friends and family in Southern Illinois are starting to get power back. I know many of you are still cleaning up from the big storm they are calling an "inland hurricane" with winds up to 110 miles per hour. When you do finally get to read this - Welcome back and horray for power and that you are all safe.

Since I didn't post yesterday I would also like to wish David's sister Kristen a happy birthday. Hope you had a great day!! Love ya.



  1. The Skopek FamilyMay 12, 2009 at 5:28 PM

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. I can't wait to see Caden and sneak him up some of Grandma Smith's beet cake.
    I hope Caden can keep the NG tube out. He is continuously in our prayers.
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  2. Christine SchuzerMay 12, 2009 at 6:05 PM

    Oh my!! I can't believe Caden pulled out that NG tube! Perhaps you can call him "Houdini"?

    Allee used to get really bad diaper rash. So bad her skin would break down and she would bleed. We used to use this really expensive moisture barrier. (We had to get it from Walgreens Home Health) Sure wish I could remember the name of it. I know how frustrating it is to deal with trying to keep it dry and clean. I can't even imagine what discomfort/pain it must cause the poor little guy's tushy!!

    Can't wait to see more pictures of Caden later on this evening! Let's hope he continues to eat and keep down those 80cc's per feeding! We'll be sending positive thoughts! Hope you can feel them!!


  3. Elizabeth Arden makes an amazing salve called 8 Hour Skin Protectant...been around for years and years and can be used on just about any type of skin irritation-very healing. See if the nurses think it would be okay for little Caden.

  4. Look at him in his little Cubs shirt. Sure wish they could have won the series with the Brew Crew. Hope the NG tube gets to stay out today, and hope that dreaded diaper rash goes away.
    I look at the two of you every day on this blog and think how amazing you are. You are wonderful parents, and Caden is lucky to have you! I continue to pray for your family every day, and I must say that Caden is the sweetest little boy. He is adorable.
    God Bless

  5. What a little stinker. Well he is saying he doesn't want that NG tube in their anymore. Get eatin Caden Marshall. Love the photo, supporting his Chicago team. Hope you have a great day. Praying for strength and health. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  6. Well! I will never take a HOT shower for granted anymore! As Fred and I left for AZ., we still didn't have power! But, Trina tells us we do now!

    So glad to get back on the blog! We lost power on Friday and I felt like we were very disconnected from the rest of the world!

    We are hoping Caden will eat so well that he will not need the NG tube! Fred and I are REALLY missing Caden! Looks like we will be making the trip north at the end of the month. Love you all!

  7. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Wednesday May 13th and it is a cold rainy day. I hear that you are a master of “the hand is quicker than the eye”, pulling your tubes out with socks on your hands…nice job!
    Obviously, you do not like have the tubes stuck to your face. So I have a great solution on how to have those removed, eat and eat ,and then eat some more. Got it!
    In honor of your sports apparel I will let you know how the Cubs & Sox are doing so far:
    The Cubs are 18-14 and are currently in 4th place.
    The Sox are 15-17 and they are also in 4th place in their division.
    So to recap; Eat, Eat, Eat, and then Eat some more.
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  8. I was so glad to see Caden without the NG or O2. That Cub shirt sure looks good on him.
    Thanks for all the updates and my prayers will
    continue every day for his progress.
    Love, Aunt Ginny

  9. Melissa, David and Caden,
    Ella did that while she was in the NICU! I chalked it up to spunk and she certainly has lived up to that expectation!

    It is good to catch up on the postings and to see that Caden is moving forward now that power has been restored at our house.

    God Bless!
    Shelley Hudspath
