
Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009

Tomorrow (Friday) the Cubs will start a series with the Milwaukee Brewers. The picture above is Caden Marshall in ready form..

Caden Marshall had a decent day today even though I made him fussy by trying to turn a Brewers shirt into a diaper. He only threw up one of he feeds and has been taking about half of his total feeds, if not better than half, orally. There is the occasional feeding where his is to pooped to feed but for the most part he is doing well with the feeds.

We did get the results of the echo cardiogram (ECHO)today and it showed as the doctors suspected. The BT Shunt is a bit long and blood is having trouble flowing through it at the bottom where it has been attached to the pulmonary artery. Essentially it is kind of kinked at the bottom. What it exactly means to us is still a bit up in the air.

What the doctors are thinking is that they could move up Caden Marshall's second stage (Bi-directional Glenn) surgery. This surgery is normally done between 3-5 months so we are concerned as to the impact of moving the surgery. There has to be a reason for the standard 3-5 months otherwise why would all hospitals that do this procedure not perform all second stage surgeries at two months right? We will figure it out what the risks are for this option through research and questions. Option two is to get him into the catheter lab (Cathlab) and run up through the femoral artery, located in the groin, and balloon out the area to expand it and work out any kinks. Either way we were disappointed to hear the bottom line......that Caden Marshall will likely not be able to come home between the first and second surgeries.

Yes, Melissa and I were hoping very much to get Caden Marshall home between surgeries. However, the problem with the shunt needs close monitoring and quick reaction if the problem increases. Melissa and I understand that one of the main causes of interstage mortality (between stage 1 and s 2 surgeries)on HLHS kids has to do with the BT Shunt (thrombosis or stenosis). We are disappointed that we likely wont get to bring our son home but we know that staying at CHW will improve his survival chances and ensure we get the immediate care he may need if something were to go wrong. The doctor quoted a 10% chance of taking Caden home, interstage, however Melissa and I are working on accepting that it will not happen. We know that this is best for Caden and in the game of life, a couple of months is a very short time no matter how long it seems right now.

Melissa and I are counting the blessings we have been given so far and we continue to pray for the health of our son. Today we pray for additional strength and the wisdom that leads us toward acceptance.

David and Melissa


  1. Grandma Rita and Grandpa FredApril 9, 2009 at 10:52 PM

    We love and support the three of you. Our hearts go out with the struggle, but keep in mind continual prayer will be said for the doctor's success.

  2. Just look at his chest! If you didn't know better that could be a scratch. Our bodies are so wonderfully made and full of such healing potential. Caden is changing so quickly. I always have to go back and look at all my favorite pics you've posted every night when I get on the site. And he is quickly getting a look all his own. I'm sure his little personality is beginning to shine through, too.

  3. We are sorry to hear about these additional challenges and admire how well you are doing in keeping things in perspective. If Caden wants additional diaper variety, we'll be glad to send Orioles and Washington National shirts! George is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and send a Red Sox shirt...
    The Bogart's

  4. David & Melissa-
    We are sorry to hear about this setback for Caden. However, like you said, it's the best place for Caden to be right now. I am sure as parents it is extremely disappointing. We are sending our support and love to all 3 of you. Meanwhile, Caden looks amazing! Love the hat! Please let us know if there is anything we can for you-whether it be up in Milwaukee or down here (remember we are only 20 minutes from Cary)we are more then happy to help in anyway.
    Love to you all-
    Kurt, Steph and boys

  5. Good morning! They say there is a reason for everything. Most of the time we don't know why, but I as the Bible says, God's timing is perfect. As humans, sometimes this is hard for us, but I know God is right beside you holding your hands. I will pray for this acceptance in your hearts.
    With Love,
    Lori Mausey

  6. I go to church with your mom and dad and have children and grandchildren so know the heartache of a sick child. You are all 3 in my prayers and I read your updates each morning and pray for you then. Hang in there and know there are lots of prayers going up for Caden as well as his parents.

  7. Our prayers for continued strength are with all of you.

    Keith, Leah, Rileigh and Josh

  8. Our prayers are with you in this difficult time. As your dad says, Melissa, "One day at a time". Caden has come so far and as his name implies, he is certainly a fighter. Love you all. Again thanks for the updates. I look forward to them each day.

  9. Dear David & Melissa,
    Continued prayers are said every day for you and Caden. Having Caden in the hospital and close to the doctors right now is the best thing for him. He'll be home before you know it. Thanks for the updates which I look forward to reading every day. GO CUBS!!!
    Love, Aunt Ginny

  10. Hello Caden-
    Today is Friday April 10th and it is another gorgeous day…a bit cooler than yesterday, but nonetheless, still very pleasant. It is also known as Good Friday- The Friday before Easter, observed by Christians, in commemoration of the crucifixion of Jesus.

    I see that your daddy is getting you ready for the big series between the Chicago Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers; and also ensuring that you do not make many friends with the hospital staff.
    Hey aren’t you excited? There are only 2 more days until the Easter Bunny comes to visit...I wonder what he will be bringing to you. Please let me know.
    I so enjoyed seeing the picture of you and mommy going for a walk…How did that go? I'm betting that she truly enjoyed doing that with you...and pretty soon, you will be going out for walks with her on a daily basis. Yes, I know that your test results came back a bit below par; but hey, let’s just keep plugging away and moving forward…OK? I know in my heart that those doctors will get you ready to go home as soon as humanly possible!
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  11. David, great blog!
    Could you not find a sox shirt anywhere?
    Hang in there guys, it will get better soon!
    God Bless and Our prayers for continued strength are with all of you.
    - The Langs ( David # 7, Jessica, Dean )
    P.S. i would hold off on using a Packer's Jersey until you are almost out of there

  12. Hi, Guys!

    We just want to send our best as always. While we know that this little "setback" is disappointing, David has a great attitude and is probably right about it not being as important in the grand scheme of things. We also want to reiterate that we are not far away and would also be happy to help out in any way, even if it's just to bring you some food. We don't want to just show up, so if you think you might want a little distraction, all you have to do is say the word. Hang in there, and continue to take care of each other as well as Caden.
    --Jeff and Debbie B.

  13. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 10, 2009 at 10:02 PM

    I am a little curious if Caden chose to christen the Brewers Diaper? It is good to see that he already has such a good sense of humor!

    Hoping for more good days for you!
