
Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10, 2009

Hi everyone it’s Melissa. Although today was a good day for Caden; taking in almost half of his feeds orally and only getting sick once, it was an emotionally hard one for me. I think the realization that Caden will undergo another open heart surgery sooner than the 4 month mark has really been difficult for me. This with trying to comprehend we won’t be able to bring him home for another couple of months has made it a difficult day for me.

We wanted to bring him home to feel normal and hopefully forget about the second surgery for at least a short while. Now understanding that there is a very good chance we won’t get to bring Caden home we only have the second surgery to wait for and it is always on our mind. We understand we are back to a higher risk of mortality with the 2nd as well as all types of other risks and dealing with that today has just plain been difficult.. We have talked to doctors again today who reassured us having the surgery earlier than normal has the same mortality than if it was done at the normal 4-5 month mark. I know having these feelings of fear are normal, but today was just one of those days I wasn’t feeling so strong. I feel like I had a bunch of mini crying episodes that spanned across the whole day and in the late afternoon I actually thought David might join me after he watched the Brewers beat the Cubs (ha).

David is what gets me through days like today. He has just the right words, or sometimes it’s not words but a big hug. He has been by my side encouraging me, giving me comfort in those difficult times (which has been many). Sometimes it’s just his humor that helps put everything in perspective and helps me remember life is too short and we must enjoy every minute we have with each other and our son.

I am excited about a new day tomorrow and ask for your prayers for our strength and acceptance of this news.

Love –
Melissa and David


  1. Grandma Smith:
    Happy Birthday Caden! In one short month you have gathered love and prayers for yourself and your parents from many homes. You have brought many people back to prayer. May God continue to hold and lift you and your parents. Now show us God's power, you little warrior!

  2. The McCulloch FamilyApril 11, 2009 at 6:00 AM

    Good Morning,
    I am sorry to hear about the surgery moving up, I am sure you are so disappointed. The good news about this is there will be a longer times between the 2nd & 3rd surgery! Just know in your hearts that Caden is in the best place possible and that is all because of the two of you. The amount of research that did was amazing and when Caden is older he will thank you for your wisdom! We will continue to pray for strength and acceptance of the new treatment protocol. We love you!
    Cheryl, Tommy, Megan & Ty

  3. Hi!

    I can not lift the worry you both have with the next surgery. We know God will be watching over Caden and many prayers will be sent to Him. Our next task is to get Caden strong enough for the next surgery so it can be a success.

    I know you and David have been so strong with all of this. Caden will someday realize the depth of your love. WE all realize it each day we read his blog.

  4. God will give you the strength you need to get threw this next phase. You two are blessed to hold hands together threw these difficult times. Threw the eyes of god caden is where he should be at this moment. Praying daily for all of you. Love You.


    Rick Nancy Girls

  5. Dear Melissa and David, I check Caden's blog everyday and say a prayer for him. I know this is very difficult but the Drs. and staff at CHW are the absolute best and will do everything in their power for your precious little boy. I always told my son and daughter-in-law no matter how bad things look today they will look better tomorrow. Just hang in there and know that tons of people are praying for Caden. Even people like me that you don't even know. Lois Petska (Braden's grandma forever)

    Uncle KiKi, Auntie Kristen, Carson and Chase

  7. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 11, 2009 at 9:28 AM

    Happy One Month Birthday to the most popular baby I know!

    I am sorry to read that times are tough for you guys-you definitely deserve to have some positive news. I hope that all of the prayers that are being sent out reach your hearts and help you to find the strength that you need to make it through each day.

  8. Happy Birthday Caden! Our prayers are with all of you every day.

    The Webers

  9. My heart hurts for you.

    Like Lois said, people like us that you don't even know are praying for Caden.

    Lisa Cooper (Lisa Davis' friend)

  10. Hello Caden-
    Today is Saturday April 11th and what a special day it is. The sun is shining so bright today; and why not? It's your first months birthday. How awesome is that. I really can't believe that you have been with us an entire month. So I say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CADEN! One more day until Easter…I can hardly wait. I am sure that the Easter Bunny is working hard to get everything ready for tomorrow.
    Sweet dreams Caden

  11. Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of and praying for you daily! There isn't a day that goes by that you aren't thought about! I wish I was as strong as you guys are! There is a reason God gave Caden to you! He knew what he was doing! :o)

