
Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11, 2009

Happy Easter Everyone!

Just a quick update as it is late and I am tired. Be advised that the updates may not be coming daily anymore. We know that there are daily readers (which we appreciate) however sometimes we run out of time and would rather lay down and sleep than provide an update when there is really not much to report.... Like today. Please understand that we will try and post updates daily however if there is not one, everything is going just about the same as the last update. We wanted to let you know this so you don't assume something is wrong when you don't see an update.

Today Caden did just okay. He is taking more and more orally every feed unfortunately he threw up a couple of his feeds today. At his 9PM feeding he officially initiated me (David) by throwing up all over me. I really thought I had the burp cloth strategically placed however Caden Marshall found the one opening and let me have it. He seemed to smile afterward like he knew what he was doing. I tried not to move him much in the hopes he wont get sick but maybe he was just excited when the Cubs took the lead over the Brewers for the final time tonight!

Melissa and I would like to wish each of you and your families a Happy Easter. This is a great time to reflect on how God has blessed us with Caden and his successes so far. We know the hand of God has got us this far and we pray for Him to look over Caden Marshall so that he can grow up and be a kid and then a man. Melissa and I are also blessed by Him in the form of the people He has put into our lives that continue to pray and show their support for the Smith family. Thank you for everything and have a great Easter with your families.

David and Melissa


  1. David and Melissa,
    Got home late tonight... still catch myself looking up at your window to see if you guys are home? Sure do miss you guys... and can't wait for the blessed news when you and Caden can finally come home. Stay strong and enjoy your Easter together! I will be saying an extra prayer for you tomorrow on Easter Sunday!

    love you both, Jilly

  2. Grandma Rita and Grandpa FredApril 12, 2009 at 6:35 AM

    David and Melissa,
    We, also, wish you a Happy Easter. We love and miss you and understand that you are spending many hours with Caden. Please try to rest when possible.

  3. Happy Easter Smith family!

  4. Good Morning....Happy Easter! Rejoice because He has risen and is Alive! I hope your family will rejoice today too with Baby Caden! Rejoice in every baby step that he has made!
    With Love,
    Lori Mausey

  5. Hope you have a blessed Easter.
    We love you Caden
    Happy Easter!!!!
    Uncle KiKi, Auntie Kristen, Carson and Chase

  6. Happy Easter David, Melissa and Caden! We love you!

    Lynn and Brian Shukitis

  7. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 12, 2009 at 9:04 AM

    Happy Easter!

  8. Happy first of many easter's Caden!!! We continue to pray for you and think of you daily. Tell your daddy the CUBS just got lucky last night and if you want to give a shout out for the BREW CREW that is ok!!!
    Take care little man and happy easter.
    Love, Eric, Meg and Jackson Licht

  9. Brad & Kelli BishopApril 12, 2009 at 12:13 PM

    Happy Easter Smith family!

  10. Happy Easter to the Smith family!! What a blessed day. You are in all of our thoughts today. GO CUBBIES!

    Love, The Ritters

  11. As much as I love reading your daily posts, I know that when there's nothing to say, its a good thing and we would love for you guys to continue to have "boring" days! Caden's pics are adorable, please keep posting those! Kisses and hugs! Sleep tight!

  12. Glad to hear that the feedings are coming along better. You have a beautiful baby boy, and one day soon, he will know just how blessed he is to have wonderful and strong parents to guide him.
    I will continue to pray for Caden everyday! Happy Easter!!

    And by the way Caden, did you see Reed Johnsons fabulous catch on Sunday night's game. Sorry Pricey take a seat!!
