
Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4, 2009

Hello and good evening. David here from Caden Marshalls room. Today has been relatively uneventful. Melissa and i spent most of the day away from Caden in a Parents Education session. CHW hosts these things once a year and we were able to participate. It was a very informative day that hosts many families with children with CHD. We learned more about the construction of the normal and the not so normal hearts like Cadens. We learned more about the at home monitoring program, which I hope we get to use on day, and we also learned about some limitations that we will have to impose on Caden as it relates to exercise, germs, diet, and growing up. It all seems minor to us as long as he gets to grow up! I think the best part of today is we met a bunch of families whose children have HLHS. It was great to meet a group of people with success stories of which we hope to become one.

The biggest update today is I dont think Melissa took even one picture. If you know my wife, you know that pictures are her thing and to go a whole day without taking one is worthy of a mention in our daily update.

Caden is still eating okay however he did not keep much of his 4pm feeding down. The doctors are really getting concerned with his low oxygenation levels and started him on yet another medication. This medication (Pentoxifyllline) is designed to thin the blood to improve the flow. This is a supplement to the baby aspirin his is already on. We have expressed the concern about low oxygenation levels and the effects on neurological development and they are listening to us and trying different things.

As of 10:15 tonight, his rs02 levels are in the low 80's which is much better than the low 70's where they have been for the last couple of days. Dr. Nancy thinks that his BT Shunt maybe getting outgrown which could cause the low levels, because blood may not be passing through it easily, so she added him to the blood thinner to overcome the restrictions of the shunt. They have also increased his oxygen levels to compensate which is the wrong direction to get him home but the right direction in preserving brain development and reducing the amount of injury to the brain. Melissa and I so badly want to take Caden Marshall home but we know that development is more important than a month home before the second surgery (bi-directional glenn). We will see what the next week holds.

Melissa and I got out for dinner tonight which we enjoyed. I am sure it was not as good as the fair that Chikos was offering today for the annual final four get together however we found a family owned italian place and enjoyed some pastas which I complimented with a nice glass of red. Yum.

We continue to be blessed with your support and we pray for additional support and for a day when you get to meet Caden Marshall Smith.

David & Melissa


  1. It sounds like you had a productive day with 'meet and greet' activities and classes. I hope some of that knowledge includes direction to essential Drs. etc. near your home. Hopefully, some of the couples you have met might even be good resources later.

    Rest, if you can. A lot will be going on with the additional move to the new wing.

  2. The uneventful day is a good thing, and eating out is definitely a plus for you two. I do hope and pray that the oxygen level continues to improve as it did in your 10:15 excerpt. We are thinking of you all constantly.

  3. The McCulloch FamilyApril 5, 2009 at 8:56 AM

    Sounds like you had an educational and positive day. It is nice to hear success stories and it will be nice when you attend these meetings in the next 5-10 years and you can share Caden's success story!

    Glad to hear that the oxygen levels popped up with Dr. Nancy's latest suggestion. Caden will continue to get stonger with the amazing hospital that you chose for him and your continued love and support!
    All My Love,

  4. Melissa,
    I hope you decide to take double the pictures today since you didn't get any yesterday!! David, I know it drives you a bit crazy, but I know all of us avid Caden Marshall watchers really look forward to seeing them!! :o) (at least this watcher does!)

    Glad to hear you had the opportunity to network with other parents of HLHS! It is nice to be able to talk to people that are in the same situation as you are. This may sound a bit crazy, but it will make you feel it is a "norm" for you guys. When Allee was born, we didn't have anyone to talk to. As she got older, her doctor actually referred people to us, and even then, it was nice to be able to relate to others in the same situation. We still keep in touch with one family. And as Cheryl mentioned, you are going to be so proud to be a leader at those meetings and share all your tricks of the trade and be able to bring that winning scoreboard with you!!!

    I am sure you both already know this, but I feel I must mention it anyway. You guys are always in my thoughts. I think about you many times during the day. I just wish I had a magic wand that I could wave over you all and make it all better. But, I guess that is where God comes in. He continues to work his own magic and bless you each and everyday!


  5. We are right with you in prayer and hoping to meet your amazing little boy!

    Keith, Leah, Rileigh and Joshua

  6. I am shocked to not see a picture. Like Chris said, you need to post a couple new ones so us Caden Junkies can get our fix.
    I am glad you had the opportunity to meet with parents of HLHS kids. Hopefully you got helpful tips and encouragement.
    Love you all,
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  7. You guys are doing so great. I love your attitude. We know you must be tired and so eager to go home. What ever works out will be best for all of you. We are thinking of you and praying for you each and every day. Bruce and Darlene

  8. Hey guys! Thanks for being so faithful in posting. I'm like the other Caden fans, I look forward each day to seeing his progress. We continue to pray for smooth recovery & healing for your little man. God has provided so many "wins" already. We look forward to what He has next.

  9. Bridget Bishop & FamilyApril 5, 2009 at 3:06 PM

    Every time I read your blog I am amazed at the strength and faith that you both have. I'm so glad that Caden is doing well. With parents like the both of you he will do amazing things. I will continue to pray for him and your family. He is so adorable. I love the pictures, keep them coming. GO MELISSA!

    Love You All,
    Bridget, Bobby, Shelby & Brooke

  10. Grandma Smith:
    Not to worry, Caden had expressed to me his desire to inspect the NEW children's hospital. Sorry that he didn't let you know of his plan thus the hold-up.

  11. Hey guys. A quick note to say I was here. Thanks for all the posts - it's great to see all Caden's progress. Hugs for you!
