
Sunday, April 5, 2009

One Step Back

Today was a bit tough for our son. He is resting comfortably now and we hope he has a peaceful uneventful night. During the day today however he was agitated and throwing up most of the day.

The new medication they started Caden Marshall on yesterday was started in an effort to stabilize his oxygenation levels which it had done keeping his levels in the 80's. Unfortunately the new medication also made him throw up each of his feedings. Today is the first day Caden Marshall had not gained weight and he actually lost some. The doctors talked today and decided to stop the new medication and in the interim raise the oxygen level he is on. The most unfortunate part of today is they hooked him back up to a monitor he had been off of for two days. The doctors are being cautious and wanted to check on his regional saturation levels as well. We understand this is just a precaution at this point however we were not happy to see the big sticky patch put back on that looked so painful to take off a couple of days ago.

Melissa and I understand that these types of setbacks are pretty normal with our sons condition. We are continuing to be very hopeful and optimistic as it relates to Cadens life and neurological development. We are hoping to report on a better day tomorrow and see trends headed back in the right direction.

Much love,

David and Melissa


  1. Hi!

    Sorry for the set backs, but maybe moving day, tomorrow, will bring better results with his levels.

    We love all of you and we are in continual prayer.

  2. The McCulloch FamilyApril 6, 2009 at 6:09 AM

    I was so sorry to read about the small set back that Caden Marshall had yesterday, I hope today brings better news. We will continue to pray for his steady upward progress. Hopefully the new room with the positive surronding and no roomate will bring better days.
    We love you all with all our hearts,
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan & Ty
    P.S. Opening Day Baby - Does Caden have his White Sox Long Underwear On?!?!?

  3. Sorry for the set back of yesterday. We hope today finds things much better. I am glad Caden now has a room of his own for the two of you and for him. As always you are in our prayers and thoughts constantly. Love yu all

  4. We will continue to pray. Love all the pictures of Caden. Thanks again for taking the time to keep us posted.
    Kristi Gooch

  5. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 6, 2009 at 10:05 AM

    Everyday is a Caden day; thanks for the updates. Hoping for more walks and more good days for the Smith family!

  6. We are so sorry to read about the set back and hope he will turn that back to good news quickly. We get on-line each morning to keep updated and send all our love and prayers!! Marty, Peggy, Haleigh & Dean Draper..

  7. Thinking of you. Pray Caden has a good day today. He sure is handsome!!! Blessings, Gloria

  8. One step back, two steps forward is what we will be praying for tonight. Caden is a strong little fighter and we continue to pray for you all everyday.
    Love you all,
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  9. Hope caden has a better day today. Hey we all have bad days so he is only normal. Thinking and praying always for you guys.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  10. I agree, one step back, two steps forward! :o) Hoping Caden is having a better day and feels like getting his picture taken!!

    Love, prayers and positive thoughts to you all!


  11. Hello Caden-
    Today is Monday April 6th and 2 very interesting things happened today. 1st, it snowed, which isn’t that uncommon, for Chicago weather. But the real is the beginning of baseball season...better known as "Opening Day"
    Opening Day is warmly regarded in North American tradition as the beginning of a new season. MLB is the highest level of play in professional baseball. More specifically, Major League Baseball refers to the entity that operates North American professional baseball's two major leagues, the National League and the American League. It falls annually around the beginning of April, signaling such a generational feeling of rebirth for some.
    Many feel that the occasion represents a newness or a chance to forget last season, in that the 30 major league clubs and their millions of fans begin with 0-0 records.
    I hear that you had an off yesterday; that's, we all have off days…Tomorrow will be better one!
    Have a wonderful night Caden
