
Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3, 2009

Hey there faithful Caden Marshall watchers. David here with a Friday update. As Melissa mentioned I had to run home to take care of some stuff (basement) that needs to be done before Caden comes home. I got back to CHW about 10PM last night to find Caden in a crib. I guess it is normal for the transition to the crib yet I liked the other open style better because you could just look at Caden unobstructed. On the flip side, the crib is a positive step forward and one step closer to the door of this place.

Caden Marshall had a pretty good day today probably taking, on average, half of his feeding volume orally. During their morning rounds the Doctor suggested to try and move his oxygen level back down to .2 which if he tolerates it would be a good positive move. We need to get him off the oxygen so the doctor has decided to reduce the level and mix in just regular air. We hope that works. His saturation levels seemed pretty good for the most part with just a couple of dips into the "worry zone".

Caden was really fussy (crying, turning red, agitated) at one point which scared us because we dont know how much is too much. Okay, it is really just me that gets nervous because I fear he is stressing his heart to much. I better get some good training for warning signs before we go home. You know how infants turn red and fuss when they are trying to dukie right? Well if I don't know the difference between the deuce and a problem, we are going to be making a lot of trips to the ER!! Bring on the instruction manual for HLHS kids please.

Melissa and I had a good day today as well. As you can see in the picture above we got to take Caden Marshall for a walk today. We were limited to the 4th floor ICU and 15 minutes however it was a pretty great 15 minutes. We walked in big circles talking about getting out of the hospital and taking Caden on walks to our favorite hiking spot in Cary. We imagined loading him up in the stroller and rolling him down to the park to put him in those little swings with the legs cut out. It was a great day of imagining the possibilities........... That little stroller thing they let us use was old, a bit beat up, and not the most aesthetically pleasing thing however we loved what it did for us. We felt so mobile, free, and actually a bit normal.

Thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming please.

Good night.

David and Melissa


  1. David & Melissa,

    Hang in there! Forward progress, little by little. Love you Caden.

    Eric, Janelle, and Jackson

  2. Yeah!!!! A stroller is big progress! Congratulations on some normal!

    Shelley, Tom, Jack, Sean, Mason and Ella Hudspath!

  3. What a wonderful surprise to see Caden in a stroller! Trying to find a happy medium is key to a happy day!

    Prayers keep coming your way! Love to all.

  4. Seeing Caden in a stroller and you guys looking so happy is the best way to start my day. It seems like everyday Caden gets bigger and his personality shines through. Hopefully soon you will be taking him on longer walks and then walking him right out the door.
    I can't wait to hold Caden and tell him how proud I am of him and they great progress he is making.
    Love you all,

  5. As the owner of 5 strollers I have to say that, that is the GREATEST stroller I have ever seen!!!!

  6. It's great to see Caden out of his room! I still remember coming out of my hospital room to have wheel chair races with you Uncle Dave! Im sure Caden loved his walk though! Good to see all the progress!

    Love. Allee xoxo

  7. Surprise! My Rita showed me how to do this! It's Saturday...I'm working at school to catch-up a bit. Of course,I headed to check on the three of you...looking great!!! Caden is soooo precious. Wish I was there to meet him and give him a hug. I pray for you always, and love you dearly. Take care of yourselves.

  8. The McCulloch FamilyApril 4, 2009 at 1:21 PM

    What a beautiful sight, seeing the three of you going for a walk, I think the stroller is quite stylish! Love watching all the progress! Can't wait to have the welcome home party for Caden in Cary!
    We love and miss you all!
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan and Ty

  9. What a great picture of you and Caden in the stroller. Another milestone reached and prayer answered. You guys look so good and don't worry David, the red face with a deuce usually comes along with a grunt or two. Looking forward to the next step closer to the door.
    Love, Aunt Ginny

  10. What a joy to see the three of you together doing something new. Keep the imagination going on all the things you are going to do with Caden. Caden keep up the improving daily. Soon you will be strolling out of the hospital in the big world with some much to offer. The sky is the limit for you Caden Marshall. Sending prays from plainfield.

    All our Love
    Rick Nancy Girls

  11. I'm really excited for the day when you get to take Caden out to your spot in Cary too. Great progress! More prayers headed up north for you :)
