
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Hey everyone it is David providing a remote update from Cary. Melissa has been between CHW and RMH looking after our son while I knock out some work/training at the office. She is carrying a heavy load with all the training and information gathering that are related to Caden Marshall hopeful departure.

Today the ECHO went well. The leaking of the tricuspid valve has improved. Also known as the right atrioventricular valve the tricuspid valve is on the right side of the heart, between the right atrium and the right ventricle. The Dr.s are not concerned about the remaining leakage as it will likely close by itself. They also let us know the function of the heart looks good and that the flow through the BT Shunt is okay. We think everything today went as well as it could and we are feeling great about it. They do want to start him back on the captopril medication again which Melissa is currently (like right now-10:15PM)asking the Doctor on staff about. If you remember Caden was on previously on captopril and did not respond well. We felt that is what was making him sick (throw up)in the past. Caden is right around the border of taking his maintenance level of feeds.

I don't think they should count today in the average intake because he had to miss the 6AM feed in prep for the ECHO:) Maybe a good thing they sedated him as he knows when it is time to eat. And let me tell you that Caden is great about reminding you if he thinks you forgot that he should be eating. Mom did rock out 75cc's at 9pm to get the daily intake up which is awesome. So now we wait.

We are in a virtual holding pattern on this first leg of the journey. Our heads are in the sky circling with hope. Holding the pattern in our heads between where we started 7 weeks ago and where we desperately want to be. Scared and nervous. Anxious and excited. We wait for the great Doctors and nurses at CHW to tell us that it is safe to land.

Good night.

David and Melissa


  1. Hi!
    Sounds like the Drs. are trying their best to find the perfect solution to Caden's medical needs. The 'Caden followers' are praying for God's help in finding that solution. Our love and prayers go up to you.

  2. Great news about the ECHO! It just goes to prove that the power of prayer is working! We love the blog, it makes us feel like we are with you in Milwaukee! We will continue to pray for a safe landing! We love you all!

  3. The news was good and uplifting for all of us! The journey has been long, a winding path to follow at times, and yet filled with love and hope. ALL of us in Southern Illinois are praying for you always. God gives us strength for each new day. My love to you---Donna

  4. YEA! YEA! I CAN’T wait to see you on DANBURY DR!

    Love you all,


  5. Sounds like a good report!Love the bath pictures! Hope you all have a good day! God is GOOD!
    With Love,

  6. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Wednesday April 29th and what a great day it is. I am so happy to hear that everything turned out just the way it was planned. Hopefully you will be going "H" soon and will be able to finally see your own room. It truly is amazing the power, focus, and strength that you are showing to all of us. You are such an amazing little boy! I am so honored that I am able to be a part of your life! I really can't wait to give you a ginormous squeeze.
    As I mentioned this is what I found out about the meaning of Canucks:
    Vancouver Canucks, a professional ice hockey team joined the NHL as an expansion team in 1970; and is one of five teams in the Northwest Division of the Western Conference of the National Hockey League (NHL). The Canucks wear uniforms of dark blue, white, black, and red. The team’s logo is a killer whale in the shape of the letter C. The franchise name is derived from a legendary Canadian folk hero known as Johnny Canuck, who was both a logger and an ice hockey player. Johnny Canuck was a Canadian cartoon hero and superhero who was created as a political cartoon in 1869 and was later re-invented, first in 1942, then Vancouver made him a household name in 1970 and the character became larger than life by 1975; Mainly ,due to the fact of the increasing popularity of the hockey team.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  7. What great pictures of him from bath time. Love those little arms and legs. God is blessing your family and it shows by each update we read and each picture we see. We are continuing our daily "Caden" prayers. Can't wait to see the next blessing that God will provide.
    Kristi Gooch

  8. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 29, 2009 at 9:51 AM

    Prayers everyday---from all over the country. So nice that they seem to be working! Keep growing and getting stronger Caden! You are making Mom and Dad so proud of you!

  9. What great news! Caden looks very comfortable with whatever situation he is in. The pictures tell the story. We will stay in the holding pattern with you and continue to pray for all of you. Bruce and Darlene

  10. Actually... forget the holding pattern, I'll meet you guys on the RUNWAY! Such positive news. So happy to hear things are looking bright. Am hopeful that "H" is right around the corner for you!

    All our love to you Caden (and to Mom & Dad).
    The Morini's

  11. What great news......keep up the eating big man!!! Can't wait to hear how today goes- love you!

  12. We are so happy to hear that the ECHO went well. Caden is thriving because his parents are so loving. Melissa you ROCK!!!!
    We will continue to pray for the safe landing
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  13. With the flight crew staff that you have, I am sure you will be preparing for a safe landing very soon. Perhaps you should put your trays and seats up as you will be landing in no time!

    I can relate to the feelings you guys are having in anticipation of taking Caden to Cary for the first time. I know what it's like not to have that safety net, but I am confident that you guys will know exactly what to do. Your parental instincts will kick in. It just happens!!

    Take care!

    Love you all!

  14. Glad to hear the great news. Hoping that you are preparing for landing. Prayer from Plainfield. Love Ya

    Rick Nancy Girls

  15. Hello Caden-
    Today is Thursday April 29th and once again it is cold and rainy. The weather really doesn't know what it wants to do these days. I am sure the spring and summer weather will soon be coming!
    There are also a lot of things happening today in the sports scene; in basketball, the Bulls need to win so that they can force a game 7 and keep their hopes alive for advancing to the next round. And in hockey, the Blackhawks are starting their best of 7 series with the Canucks. I will most definitely tell you what happens. I don't remember if I told you how handsome you looked in your bath photo. It was very nice to finally see you without all of those tubs and wires hanging all over the place It was a real pleasure to finally get to see the real Caden Marshall Smith…I can't wait to meet you in person so that I can tell you what a beautiful baby boy that you are.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  16. First cool. But I noticed he still hasn't shaved! Is he following in Dad's footsteps and not shaving in protest until "H" day? I myself am bashful about shaving in front of people. Maybe thats his reason.

    Keep up the good work and don't forget to scrub behind your ears young man!

