
Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009 - FIRST BATH

What a fun day David and I had. We got to submerge Caden in a little pink hospital bucket to give Caden a bath. David and I were given the ok by nurses to take off his oxygen and leads on his heart for a short time. It was the first time we have seen our son (besides right when he was born) thay he hasn't been hooked up to machines or things that beep. What an incredible feeling! Caden actually enjoyed his bath much more than the 7 weeks of sponge baths he has been getting. Now we await the real bathtime at "H". Yes, we have been talking more about heading "H". The nurses have been slowly stopping by the room to go over things for discharge. Such things include how to fortify breast milk/formula to increase the calories for Caden to instructing us on how to give all the medicines he will need. So what is the determining factor of us going "H". Caden has his ECHO at 7:15am tomorrow the results of this along with the consistancy of Caden eating well should be our ticket out. Well, at least for a few weeks until his second surgery. Like David mentioned we dont want to jinx ourselves, but we can't hold in all the joy we have for the potential of coming home to start our life where he should be - at "H". Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers. They are being heard and being answered.

I'll post pictures later tonight.

Love -
Melissa and David


  1. What a milestone! The first bath! How great is that?!
    My prayers that the Echo will go well and you'll be "H" very soon!
    Love and support,

  2. That is so great that you guys got to give Caden a bath and love on him without any tubes or wires on. We continue to pray that Caden's progress continues and that he is in Illinois soon.
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen Carson and Chase

  3. Praying for you that you do get to go "H" at least for a little while. There's no place like home. And you will do fine because you are getting the best "training" possible at CHW. Lois Petska

  4. The McCulloch FamilyApril 27, 2009 at 9:12 PM

    What a great day! Glad to hear that Caden likes taking a bath, that means he is going to love swimming in the pool with us. Can't wait to see the pictures of him without his tubes. We will continue to pray that the ECHO is good so that he pack his things and head to Cary!
    We love and miss you!
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan & Ty

  5. Our prayers are with you!!!

    Keith and Leah

  6. Hi! What an exciting day! I remember the first baths as being nerve-wrenching and that was without attachments! Keep up the great progress!
    Love you all!

  7. What a great way to start my day at school... to read the wonderful progress report on Caden and to go back to see him moving, smiling, and talking. I have already said my first prayers for him and both of you today, and will continue prayers as the day goes by. I share in every JOY with you!!! Love,in bunches! Donna

  8. So glad to hear about your fun bath time! I will say prayers that the ECHO will be what you are hoping for!Stay strong...God's love is all around you.
    With Love,
    Mrs. Mausey

  9. Yes, that would be from Lori Mausey. I'm at school and just automatically typed Mrs. Mausey!! Not awake yet!

  10. Again with the normality! Each of those 'little' steps mean so much for keeping positive. And you will discover more and more ways to remain normal through this process! Congratulations and we will be praying for the ECHO to go as hoped!
    Shelley Hudspath

  11. "H" would be a blessing for ALL of you - our prayers are with you. Good Luck today!!

    The Drapers

  12. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Tuesday April 28 and what a lovely day it is. Considering that you may find out about possibly going “H” soon. So we really need you to kick some butt so that the results of your ECHO come in strong. I know it will since you are the "Lil Warrior in the Spirit of Battle"
    So how did you like your first bath with your mom and dad...I bet it felt much better than that itchy sponge? Did you take any pictures?
    Well, the Chicago Blackhawks advanced to the second round of the playoffs last night, with a 4-1 win over the Calgary Flames. This means, one trend ended while another one continued. Since it’s the first series win for the Blackhawk’s since 1996 and it is the 4th straight first round defeat for the Flames. The Blackhawks will face the Vancouver Canucks in the second round. What’s a Canuck? I don’t know, but I will try and find out.
    Kick some butt today Caden.

  13. Dear David & Melissa,
    I was so glad to hear about Caden's first official bath and the potential for "H".
    Our prayers are being answered.
    Love you all, Aunt, Ginny

  14. The Ritters are praying for the all clear for Caden to go "H". Fingers are crossed today. So cool about the "first bath"
    Love to you all-

  15. AGH!!! I love the pictures!! How many times did he pee on you? What a great milestone for you all. Praying that the ECHO went well today.
    Love you- Meg

  16. Love the bath pics... and I was thinking the same thing about potty that Meg was (giggle)! He is getting so big & filled out!! I love it! Keeping you in our prayers & hoping Echo is good & that "H" is right around the corner! And-OF COURSE he eats better for you guys than the ARE his parents!! :-) He's earning bonus points for his first car!
    Love you all! Jason, Meredith, Zach & Jacob Mickelson (Duncombe)

  17. We love the pictures! We will be praying for you all today for great ECHO results!

    Brian and Lynn Shukitis

  18. The pictures are great. I still think he looks like his daddy! It exciting to see his growth and progress. Pray that you get to go home soon. Blessings, Gloria

  19. I reallly think that you have the cutest family I have ever seen. We are still praying so much!!! He is a beautiful boy!!!

    The Beerbower Family

  20. WOW he barely fit in the bath. That is a wonderful thing to see that he is growing sooo much. You guys look so happy in the photo, which makes us happy. Hoping the Echo results are good and you get take your first car ride "H". Prayers, Hugs and kisses coming your way from Plainfield. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  21. Great family portrait! I'm sure Caden will most certainly appreciate it when you show his first serious girlfriend these pictures! Nothing more embarrassing then a naked picture of you in the tub as a baby!! ;o) Mostly, I loved being able to see Caden's naked face! No tape, no tubes!! What a welcome sight that must have been for you guys! I know it was a welcome sight for me!! Melissa, I think Caden has your chin, but overall, I think he looks like his daddy! Hope the days keep going as smoothly as they have been! My fingers are crossed for good ECHO results, so you can go to that very special place in Cary! (I don't even want to use the letter!)

    Love and friendship always,

  22. What a beautiful big boy he's turning into! Congrats on the progress so far - I'm sure Milwaukee has been great but I think Caden may like "H" even better!

    Alex Vosooney, JMS

  23. Hey, Caden (and mom and dad, too)

    It's great to see how you're doing. You are one awesome looking 'dude'. I like the rugby pic because my son plays rugby. And he's pretty tough, like you.
    Just wanted to say we've all been praying for you and your mom and dad at our church in Downers Grove. We love you ....and your Grandma Suzanne. She's pretty awesome, too.

    Keep on keeping on and God bless.

    Judy Bury and the gang
