
Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009

Hey there everyone. David here on Saturday night reporting for all you faithful readers. Caden Marshall is having a good day today. He has taken 70cc’s at 3 of his five feeds so far today. He is really a little go getter when the bottle gets to his mouth. The key is a well timed burp and then the bottle right back in before all momentum is lost. I think Melissa and I are actually getting pretty good at the feeding thing which makes us feel good. The doctors think we are good at it too.

Dr. Nancy asked that we ensure that we stay tonight and tomorrow night to provide all of Caden’s feeds. When Dr. Nancy looked at the charts, tracking his feeds, she noticed he does much better with us. In our opinion he should feed better with us because we are his parents. That coupled with the fact I am sure we are more patient with the feeds than the overnight nurse. Not to discount the over night nurses, or all the nurses here for that matter because they are all fantastic, however we have more time than they do as the nurses here have at least two patients to tend to. Plus well, as I mentioned, we are his parents. Anyway she wants us to give the feedings to prove her theory correct that he will take more at night if we administer the feed. Staying the night and providing the feedings will be just like it will be when we are “H”. “H” is short for the place where Melissa and I live in Cary, IL. We are not saying the actual word I am referring to as it has proven to be bad luck. That being said, we had some more H talk with Dr. Nancy today (insert excitement here).

Caden Marshall will have another ECHO this week. They are going to check on the function of his heart and the areas around his heart. Specifically they are going to check the leaking through the tricuspid valve as well as check for additional blockage around the BT Shunt and the overall flow through the shunt. If these areas look good and the overall function of his heart is good we may start to talk about the “H” word again. We can only have this discussion if his feeding levels stay up. Enough about “H” before I jinx us. Melissa and I had a good day today as well. It was rainy and crappy however we had a little sunshine in the room for a while. Tomorrow is going to be another boys day as Melissa is headed out for the day. You never know I might just smuggle my son out and treat him to some Lobster Balls at Long John Silvers!


David and Melissa


  1. Caden,

    We love your video!! Keep up the hearty appetite.

    Eric, Janelle, and Jackson

  2. Way awesome to see a live video of Caden!!! How exciting to see him start to smile and hear him cooing!!!! What an awesome way to end our evening!!! I am so happy to see him looking so happy!! This must make your hearts sing!! I hope you boys have a fun time spending time together!! Melissa, enjoy your day too!!

    Love you guys!

  3. Grandma Rita and Grandpa FredApril 26, 2009 at 6:39 AM

    Hi All,
    Yesterday's blog just blew me away with the comments from Jilly. I am so glad that you are seeing the light at the end of this tunnel! God bless, and we will keep up the prayers! Your new video of Caden brought tears to my eyes!

  4. Love, love, love the video. He is so absolutely beautiful! Keep up the good work with the feedings!!!
    Love you,

  5. Watching him smile and coo brought tears to my eyes! He is growing so fast and progressing so well! My heart jumped at the thought of the possibility of "H", enough said, we won't jinx it! God knew what he was doing when he gave Caden to you, he will continue to thrive because you are his parents. I know he will do better with the night feedings! Love you all!


  6. Caden is so precious. I love the cooing and talking. YEA!!!!! What great news.

  7. We love the video! It is "so cute" according to Jared. He's watched it several times and it makes him smile:) Thanks so much for sharing all of these moments with all of us.

    Love, The Ritters

  8. Hi melissa and david. Sorry i haven't stopped. It has been busy. I have kept updated here, thanks. I am so glad things are movimg along. The pictures are great! I work monday night. I hope to at least call. Keep up the great work!

  9. Wonderful Video - So glad to be able to hear the little angle!! What a joy he is. good Luck with you know and we will keep you all in our prays. Love, Marty & Peggy Draper

  10. What a great surprise to see Mr. Caden kicking and talking to the camera!!! I am laughing so hard at the comment about Long John Silver's- i just saw the commercial for that and said- "GROSS"......David you could at least take your wife to Red Lobster :)
    I would like to second (however not nearly as gracefully said as Jill) the Mitch's amazement.
    I left there with a peace of mind that the Grayslake community IS amazing. You are all loved and thought of every minute, every hour, every day. Miss you and can't wait to see you again!!

  11. I sooooooo love the video!!!! Caden is precious! He will learn quickly how to use that little smile to wrap you both around his little finger. The cooing sounds were so sweet and an answer to prayers. I'm happy that you were able to get out together for awhile--even though it probably was short. They say it isn't the quantity of time but the quality--not sure about the "quality" of Long John Silvers but the thought was sweet. Lobster is lobster!
    Love to you__
    Fred and Mary Ann (Except for the love and prayers, Fred will probably not claim any part of this note)

  12. Another priceless moment. Thanks for sharing more precious moments with us, it means more than you will every know. He knows who boss and means business when eating, MOM AND DAD. Glad to hear he is having good days and praying for more ahead. Again he is sooooooo dam cute and looking like mommy. God is good. Love Ya

    Rick Nancy Girls

  13. Laughing with tears in my eyes. The video shows all of us how strong he is getting. Thank you for sharing with us. So happy to hear the H word - I did insert my excitement where indicated! :-) Hope overnight feeding are going well. I believe Caden is more relaxed when you are feeding him - he can feel your love and knows he is very safe. Keeping you in our prayers and thoughts every day.
    Love...Jim, Michelle and boys

  14. What a great video. It was so great to see him kicking and cooing.I was laughing and crying happy tears for you. Great job Caden.Great job to you Dave and Melissa too. Keep it up. We are going to have to get you a Indians shirt for you too. GO CUBBIES GO and Go Indians next Sunday.

    xoxoxo and prayers,

  15. Sounds like he is eating like a little Smith baby. So happy to hear about his progress. I remember well how cute the grandsons all looked kicking and cooing in the little bouncy chairs. Have you tried letting him watch a Baby Einstein video while he is in his chair? It is amazing how they respond to the music and toys on the screen. That can be more mental and visual stimulation for him besides it is fun to watch them react. So fun to hear Caden cooing - brought back some wonderful memories.
    Lots of love - you are in our prayers
    Ward and Cheryl

  16. It is amazing that I can type with these huge tears of joy pouring down my face. I hope your staying at the hospital and doing Caden's feeding help him get stronger and stronger.
    We love you all.
    Keith, Kristen Carson and Chase

  17. No one can feed a baby like his parents! I am so pleased to hear of his continued good feedings. I loved the video, it was so precious. You are all three in my prayers daily for strength and wisdom. God Bless, Jane B

  18. So glad that his feedings are going better! You both are such great dedicated parents! Hope and pray for continued good days!
    With Love,
    Lori Mausey

  19. What a great video. So glad to hear him cooing. What a testament to you as parents that he does better with feedings for you. We will keep the prayers going for Caden and each of you.
    Kristi Gooch

  20. Debbie and Jeff BeginskiApril 27, 2009 at 10:26 AM

    The video is just precious! I can't wait to show it to Jeff! Keep up the great work, guys! Your faith and senses of humor seem to be the keys to success!

  21. What a wonderful, little guy Caden is! What beautiful cooing sounds he made! What a wonderful family you make!!!

    John & Judy Crawford

  22. Caden-
    Today is Monday April 27th and it is a warm day but once again a chance for showers. Hey I see you are ready for the big screen. It was very nice to see your beautiful little smile. Not to mention I think you had better dance moves than your daddy. I am so glad that it seems that you have taken much better to your feedings...please keep it up!
    This past weekend was awesome if you area sports fan in Chicago. In basketball, the Bulls won a very exciting game, in double overtime, to tie the best of 7 series, at 2 games apiece. Overtime; is an additional period of play specified under the rules of a sport in order to bring the game to a decision and avoid declaring the contest a tie. And in hockey, the Black Hawks have taken a 3-2 lead, in their best of 7 series and can close it out tonight.
    A Best of 7 Series means that the first team to win 4 games will advance to the next round. I will let you know what happens.
    Have a great day Caden.

  23. That video is so precious! And he is so engaged! Whoo hoo!

    (Nope. No H mentioning here. Move along. Nothing to see.)

    Shelley Hudspath

  24. Love the video! He is so amazing! Lots of prayers for some "H" time for all of you!

    The Webers

  25. I LOVED the video! So cute. We sang your song in worship this week :) Will be praying for great feeding & more talk about "H".

  26. David & Melissa!

    I've LOVED watching the video of Caden over and over and over again these past few days!! It's priceless, thanks so much for sharing it!! He looks AMAZING and I was thrilled to hear the news today that he might be home next week!! That's BEYOND fabulous!!!

    We love you guys so much are so grateful for the progress Caden's made!

    Eric, Janelle, & Jackson
