
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 21, 2009

Hi Everyone. It's Melissa. David is back at work so I will be doing most of the blog updates while he is gone.

Caden has been weaned down again on his oxygen to a quarter liter. We we will see if now that he has had his blood transfusion if this might help his oxygen saturations stay more stable so he can stay at a lower amount of oxygen. As of yesterday his oxygen saturations were still in the low 80's which is ok. Once he starts to dip much below 80 then doctors will have to re-evaluate things. Caden is still working on feeding and keeping all his milk down. This is important so he can gain weight for his next surgery. Dr. Nancy seems to think his second heart surgery might be approximately a month from now.

Love -
Melissa and David


  1. Great news that Caden is being weaned down on his oxygen levels again!! I am so glad to hear that the saturation levels are stable! :o) This makes for a happy day!!

    Big hugs!

  2. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Wednesday April 22nd and it is a beautiful spring day. But we will see how long this weather lasts. It seems that Old Man winter does not want to leave just yet!
    I am so glad to see that your oxygen levels are being lowered and that you seem to be keeping your food down a bit better these days…this is excellent news. You know, we need to beef you up a bit in preparation for your next procedure so keeping all of your food down is really important…Got It! However, I am extremely confident that you will continue moving in the right direction and will once again emerge victorious with this next battle as well! The power, strength and determination you have showed to everyone; is just amazing! Caden you have truly touched the hearts of some many people and you don’t even know it yet. Not to mention the faith, hope and love that your parents are showing, which is just as incredible?
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  3. Hi!

    Glad to hear that Caden is progressing. He has developed quite a fan club here also. There are some more teachers here wanting to purchase a 'Caden Shirt". I think we will be keeping Jilly quite busy!
    When second operation time comes along, we will be there to support you all the way!

  4. Love the photo. He is so handsome. Glad to hear moving forward. Praying daily for all of you. Love Ya

    Rick Nancy Girls

  5. Oh! He's just precious & I can tell he's growing so fast. We continue to pray for Caden & you guys.

  6. as Katie and Cassie would say "what a cutie face!!"

    Big hugz to you all :)

  7. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Thursday April 23 and the weather is starting to get warmer. They are actually talking about the possibilities of upper 70's or even the low 80's for this weekend now that would be nice. I just love all of your pictures which are sporting your new clothes. You have excellent taste. But I still haven't heard back from you on how we can purchase one of those awesome blue shirts. If you remember, can you please let me know? I would love to have one and I am sure that other people would as well.
    Hey, I forget to mention that it is Earth Week.
    This means every day of this week is dedicated to the elements around us. Monday was Water; all living organisms use water in one way or another. We can go many days without food, but not without water. It is important to convey an appreciation for the abundance of clean water we have and the need to conserve the world's fresh water supply.
    Tuesday was Fire; the sun and the energy it provides are essential to life on the planet. "Fire" energy from the sun is our basic fuel. It is at the root of the food chain and is the initial source of all of our energy resources.
    Wednesday was Earth; the Earth element is perhaps the easiest to grasp because it surrounds us in such a concrete way. We see, smell, feel and hear it, and whether indoors or out, natural or human-made, everything we come into contact with is of the earth.
    Today {Thursday} is Air; the atmosphere surrounding Earth is full of air! The air in our atmosphere is made of molecules of different gases. The most common gases are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (about 21%). Air is important for almost all life on Earth including plants and animals.
    Tomorrow {Friday} is the Spirit of Life I will go into that then.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  8. This is too the mysterious Caden writer! In keeping with the spirit of keeping you a mystery because we all love your personal fun messages to Caden. You can email me at with your t-shirt order so we can keep you a secret!


  9. Dont do it Secret Squirrel!

  10. Hello Caden-
    Today is Friday April 24th and it is a gorgeous, warm, sunny day… It also is the last day of Earth Week, which signifies:
    The Spirit of Life; Defining and getting in touch with the Spirit of Life can be challenging and elusive. If a person is out on a nature walk and they were to see something that made them stop dead in their tracks, spellbound by the force of its uniqueness, strength or beauty. This is an experience of the Spirit of Life, when the part of you that is alive connects with and recognizes a similar part of someone or something else, whether it be having a bird land on your hand for a seed, running into an old friend, or watching a beautiful sunset. And you Caden, are a perfect example of the Spirit of Life.
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  11. Jill was correct, Mystery Writer, we all love your entries. It is the icing on my "Caden watching cake"!
