
Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

Hi everyone - It's Melissa. Caden has been relatively stable for the last few days. Today they did some routine blood work and he will need a blood transfusion for more red blood cells, but other than that he has had some good days, eating well, and continuing to grow. Since I have a short update today I wanted to use this time to mention some things that happened last week at the school where I teach.

In a previous post I spoke of how supportive everyone has been to us during this challenging time. Words can't explain the gratitude David and I have for everything everyone has done for us as there are too many people to thank. However, I did want to give a shout out to district #127 Grayslake North & Central High Schools. The school district where I have have been teaching for the last 11 years. The administration, support staff, teachers, coaches, and students have done so much it has brought many tears to my eyes. I couldn't possibly list all the people involved because there are so many and you know who you are, but I do want to thank my Grayslake family for everything they have done. I know my friends and family understand why I love my job, and this is one of many reasons. Our staff and students are amazing. The PSP (Public Service Practicum Class) at GNHS helped design the blue Caden shirts as a fundraiser for our family. The pictures are from a faculty North vs. Central High School basketball game they hosted last week in which students and staff wore the shirts in support. Thanks again for all you do, and continue to do on a daily basis. I also have to tell my current/past students thanks for sending up the cards with the group class pictures. Of course they made me cry!

Love -

Melissa & David


  1. What a great group of kids/faculty!!!! Maybe you can let me know how I can get shirts for our family. The boys would love (and be honored) to wear a shirt for Caden and so would I.
    We love you all and continue to pray.
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  2. The McCulloch FamilyApril 20, 2009 at 6:11 PM

    WOW! You work with an amazing group of people: faculty and students included. It just goes to show what an impact you have made on every life you touch! I echo what the Skopeks wrote, the McCulloch family would love to purchase the Caden shirts.
    We continue to pray for Caden and his wonderful parents.
    All of our Love,
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan and Ty

  3. Hi David, Melissa, & Caden!

    That's an amazing and inspiring story about your high schools; how great to work with such selfless people!! Thanks so much for sharing it. Of course we would like in on the shirts!! Let us know how the three of us can each buy our own!! Does the shirt come in size 2T?

    I am in awe each day reading about all the miracles surrounding Caden. He is TRULY a blessed little boy!!

    Love you guys!
    Eric, Janelle, & Jackson

  4. That is truly amazing. Caden has no idea how he has affected and changed so many lives. What a powerful little fighter. We would be sooooooooo honored to wear the shirts. Please let us know if it is possible to support there fundraiser. Glad to hear things are going stable and good. Sending prayers your way from Plainfield.

    Rick Nancy and Girls

  5. How amazing to know how many lives your son has touched already! We love the shirts and the Ritter boys would love to sport those as well. Please let us know if they can be purchased. We think of you all everyday-can't wait until we can meet Caden. Love to you all-
    The Ritters

  6. Melissa, you have always told us how much you loved your job. The feelings you have your faculty and students show us WHY you love them. Teachers are put in a position to inspire. I think Caden has inspired their love.

  7. How amazing is that! We love the shirts-Caden has a HUGE fan club! We would be honored to be able to wear the shirts in support. Please let us know if they can be purchased.
    Love and Prayers to all of you!

    The Webers

  8. What a great place to work and a wonderful support system. I am sitting at my desk crying and can't seem to stop! You are blessed! Wishing you many good days ahead. Love and Prayers. Peggy Draper

  9. What a group of inspiring people!! I know some of you from district #127 must be reading this, and just wanted to let you know I think that was so awesome of you. Brought tears to my eyes too! The Schuzer's would like to also get in on the T-shirts!!! Please???? Just another way to show our support for the Smith Family! Maybe the kids that did the shirts can earn some extra credit for making all the shirts for us blog followers?

    David and Melissa, I am glad to hear that Caden Marshall has been stable for the last few days! :o) I have been loving the pictures and really loved the Dr. Poopsie outfit! Too cute! :o)

    You are always in our thoughts!
    The Schuzer's

  10. Good Morning Caden-
    Today is Tuesday April 21st and once again it is cold and rainy…oh well, tomorrow will be a better day.
    I wanted to let you know that I love all of the pictures that your Mommy and Daddy have been taking and you are changing with every day. I am also glad to hear that you have been bulking up nicely... please keep up the good work.
    Caden, I hope you realize how many people's lives you have affected and how many hearts you have entered, so early in your life. Everyone is waiting for the day that you are able to come home. Not to mention, that your Mommy works with an amazing group of people and they have created a beautiful blue shirt in your honor. How awesome is that! Hey can you do me a favor and find out if I can buy one of those shirts...Thanks!
    I also realized that I mentioned the Bulls and Michael Jordan and I never told you how the NBA actually started.
    The National Basket Ball Association (NBA) is one of the largest men's professional sports leagues. The league was started in New York City, on June 6, 1946 and was formerly known as the Basketball Association of America (BAA). The league got the name NBA in 1949 after the merger with their arch rival, The National Basketball League.
    The National Basketball League (NBL) was a professional league in the United States from 1937 to 1949. The NBL started with 13 teams in 1937–38. The league was created by three corporations: General Electric, Firestone and Goodyear. The NBL lasted 12 years before merging with the three-year-old Basketball Association of America in 1949, with the resulting combination being renamed the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Chicago Bulls did not join the league until 1966.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  11. What a wonderful testimony about your school support team. When you work at a school you truly understand how they become your extended family. We are continuing to lift you up in prayer. I pray that God will strengthen you during this time. Psalms 27:14 says "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait on the Lord."---Continue to stand strong and let Him see you through.
    Kristi Gooch

  12. Grandma Smith: Ditto on us wanting the tee shirts. It seems your students love you as much as you love them. I often wondered why someone would love to teach highschool (no offense to the students) but they sure are a wonderful group.

  13. What a wonderful tribute to you, David, and Caden. Your school family is echoing your love for them with this outpouring of love for you! We are so happy that you are having good days--we pray they continue to get even better.
    Thinking of you always with love,
    Fred and Mary Ann

  14. HI Caden, Melissa and David,

    I am so glad that everyone thinks the world of GNHS! GO KNIGHTS!

    Caden, let me tell you... you are one special kid, you had better know that I wouldnt put on a cheerleading skirt for just anyone! But the event was truely awesome and I wish you could have been there to witness it! The spirit in the room would have brought goosebumps to your arms, tears to your eyes and a warmth to your heart!

    miss you all, hugs and kisses ~ Jilly

    P.S. I am looking into getting t-shirts for all the Caden Fans that are not from North! Once, I get the info I will let you all know! :)

  15. Hey Y'all! So happy to hear that Caden has been stable the past few days and eating like a champ!! Way to go Caden. We wanted to know if we could get some shirts?? I see that others have asked the same question. Please let us know if there is anyway to go about purchasing a few.

    Love to all and keep blogging-
    Mike, Adelia and Derek

  16. Very Cool! It's so neat to watch the community near & far support you guys. You are loved!

  17. Hello Smith Family (M, D & baby C),
    I've been following the website (one of the VERY few reasons I am grateful for the cyber world) and as many have said, you all are truly blessed in so many ways. The love and faith you emulate is not only inspirational, but SO rare and it's beautiful to see the unstoppable perseverance and strength shine through YOU GUYS!! I love you and if there's anything I can do, I'm sure there must be something.... I'm always here. I love you all. You're in my prayers, as always, and I'll stay posted.
    With much love-
    Melissa Cole

  18. What a great group of young adults! It's great to see all the love and support you are getting and wish we could be closer!
    Aunt Mary Lou

  19. Missy--I can't believe your staff!!! I can still remember when you got your job!! Remember that conference, who would have known! Congrats on having such a WONDERFUL team that is supporting you back in 9-12 world...The pics that are posted make me miss teaching! I am thinking of all of you often and love being able to catch up with yall!!
    Hugs and kisses from Texas! Jilly Bean
