
Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009 - Moving day again

Hi everyone. It’s Melissa. David is still at home taking care of some things with the house and will be coming back to be with me tonight. I know Caden will be excited to show dad he now smiles (well not in this picture anyway). It is so cute! It absolutely melts my heart. Dad will also be thrilled to see how entertained Caden is with his new mobile they just put on the side of his new crib. However, dad will most surprised to learn we moved rooms tonight. We are still on the same floor but now we are sharing a small room. After we arrived in our new quarters tonight I introduced myself to the couple and made small talk with them about their child seeing they are steps from Caden’s crib. There baby also has HLHS and has just had the 2nd surgery (The Glen). I was initially excited to meet another family, but their child has had more complications during his stay in the hospital and quite honestly, I wasn’t wanting to hear all about the “what could” go wrong scenarios. Keeping the momentum is hard enough let alone hearing negative comments from other parents with HLHS babies so I started to pack up my things to head home for the night before I got upset. Thankfully, we only have 3 days in this small shared room before we move again. The next move will be a much more welcomed move. We are moving into the new tower of the hospital that just opened on March 30th. I would rather be discharged from the hospital than experience this brand new room; however, nurses have told us if Caden continues to eat poorly along with inconsistant saturation levels we will indeed be experiencing another move on April 6th. Caden must be trying to prove he too is ready to go home He did much better on feeds today taking in 23 cc’s this afternoon, and 33 cc’s for me in this evening and kept it all down. Yeah Caden- another great win. Dad will be so proud.

Lots of love –
Melissa and David


  1. Yeah another WIN. He is sooooo dam cute!!!!!!!!
    Keep up the good eating caden. Melissa keep thinking positive thoughts. Prayer are coming to you from Plainfield.

    All our Love
    Rick Nancy Girls.

  2. Hi Melissa,

    My! Caden has a pout on his face! Someone must have told him his dad wasn't there today!

    Since Dad and I got lost on our first visit to the hospital, I can imagine how you feel with continually changing! Leave bread crumbs so David can find you! Keep up your spirits. We are hoping your roommates have a better outlook on life tomorrow.

    Many have asked how things are progressing. I've told them we are blessed with their prayers and with your strong attitude to success.

    We love and miss all of you!

  3. Melissa,
    I feel like I've told you this before, but I enjoy working with you because you are one of the most professional and positive people I know. I admire your ability to keep things in perspective, keep clear of drama and deal with things in a logical and thoughtful manner. You need refueling when you're everybody's sunshine though... and that's why you've got all of us. I saw somebody else's post stating that you've got quite the support system here and man, you have no idea. Besides your incredibly loving and supportive families, the friends you've met throughout your lives and from this journey, you have an extended family of colleagues and kids who love you more than you'll ever know. Caden is everywhere. From the daily blog reading on computers throughout the building, to the staff center buzz of his victories to the kids asking one another EVERYDAY about Caden's progress and about you. I am so glad that you have Caden and David to fill you back up with all that you wonderful energy you give out to so many. We look forward to hearing about more smiles, more cc's and better saturation levels.
    Hugs, kisses, love,

  4. Melissa, You have always seemed to express life with a smile on your face! Even though others may be going through difficulties, please press on towards your goal! Of course we all have "our days!" Just know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I will pray for Caden to continue to eat well! Thank you for your postings, I look forward to them everyday!
    With Love,
    Lori Mausey

  5. Melissa,

    What a great picture of cranky Caden! Not that anyone wants to see him cry, it is just another face that you were thoughtful enough to post. We look forward to your updates every morning!

    Moving can be stressful and to share a space with another family that is worried about their child as well would be overwhelming. But great news about the feedings improving for a bit.

    Shelley, Tom, Jack, Sean, Mason and Ella Hudspath

  6. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 3, 2009 at 8:23 AM

    It has been a couple of days since I have looked at the blog and what changes!! Caden is becoming such a cute little guy and despite the tough times, he seems to be getting stronger and living up to his name. All of your friends and family know that he WILL come through all of this with "fists blazing"!!! Still thinking of you guys everyday, whether I am on the blog or not!!

  7. Hi Melissa and David!

    I'm glad to hear Caden had a better day. Thank you for the uplifting message I can hear the smile in your words, it certainly makes me feel at ease for you both. We'll keep up the positive thoughts and pray for another good day.

    Cute as a button regardless of his expression, he's voicing his opinion already.

    Take Care, hugs & kisses.

    Mary Jo, Tony, Kyle and Tyler

  8. LOVE the sour puss on his face....he must have heard his new roomates talking and gave them the Poo-Poo face....he knows what is up!!!
    Hang in there girl- you and david are way stronger than I could ever imagine to be. We were at Mayfair the other day and I pointed out to Jackson the "blue lights" on top of CHW and told him that is where Caden is and yesterday he drew him ANOTHER fine masterpice (which was supposed to be THE EIFFEL TOWER) and colored it all blue and said "these are Caden's blue lights".....we are thinking of you!!
    Love, Meg

  9. Dear Melissa, Don't pay any attention to that other family whoes little guy is having complications. No two babies are exactly alike and Caden is a fighter, you know that. Just look how far he has come already. You & David are so lucky to have such a beautiful little boy and God gives you only what you can handle. I truly believe that, I've been there!
    Each day I look at your blog and the new pictures and can see such an improvement in his looks, his smile, and even in todays frown.
    I'm praying every day for you and hug you all in my heart each and every night. Love, Aunt Ginny

  10. That picture is a classic Grandpa Smith look.
    Hang in there, your parental instinct will get you through it all. You guys are doing a great job. Pretty soon, Caden will be in his own room again and then he will be in his bedroom at home.
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  11. Hello Caden-
    Today is Frdiay April 3rd, which means tomorrow is the start of the Final 4. I bet you are wondering what that means?
    Final four - the 4 regional champions (west, east, Midwest and southeast) remaining from the 64 college teams that compete in the annual NCAA tournament; they play one another to determine who the national champion is going to be. It is a very exciting tournament! One day, I am sure that your Uncle Tommy or your Uncle Keith will be explaining all of this to you.
    Hey, I hear that they keep moving you around... well I think this is a good thing. Let them keep moving you until you are finally out the door and in you own home. Stay strong and keep eating!
    By the way, I told you to give your mommy a squirt for April Fools, not to get sick on her. In any case, nice touch!
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  12. Way to go Caden keep up the good work! Melissa hang in there everyone has a story to tell and yours will be very different because your outlook is different! Stay positive and let the rest go! If there were EVER two kids alike it would be a miracle in its self.
    We appreciate you allowing us to share all of this with you and we can not wait to meet Caden in person!
    Love you guys and we will continue to pray for strength for all of you!
    The Webers

  13. Don't let other stories get in the way of your story. Each child is their own person and with the strengh of his parents, Caden is fighting the good fight. Keep up the good work Caden and Family.
    Stacy (Jenke) VanTholen

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