
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009

Hi everyone it’s Melissa. It’s April 1st and I was looking forward to starting off this month with a great day but unfortunately Caden had other plans. He started off his day throwing up. Of course from this I learned how to bathe him, clean/care for his incisions, and put clothes on him without putting pressure on his chest. Don’t they say everything always happens for a reason? Caden also decided today he was going to dip into the “alarm” levels all day with his oxygen saturation. Caden’s levels have been pretty consistent until today so nurses and doctors have been trying to figure out why all of a sudden they are dropping. As a result, doctors increased his oxygen and decreased a cardiac medication to see if that would help stabilize his numbers into the normal range.

Speech therapy, physical therapy, and the lactation nurses also met with me today to go over feeding and mobility once we are at home. In addition, our pulse oximeter machine and hospital grade scale arrived for us to be instructed on for the home monitoring program. Each day nurses and doctors are giving us more to learn. A good thing, but can be very overwhelming. I realize David will have to return to work soon, and the thought of him not being with me is a scary idea to me. Having that red call button in the hospital is really nice. Too bad we don’t have one in our house!!!

Love –
Melissa and David


  1. The McCulloch FamilyApril 2, 2009 at 6:19 AM

    Caden was just messing with his levels as an April Fool's Day joke! I am sure today will be a better day.
    We continue to pray that everyday is a closer day to coming home. They say that God gives you only what you can handle and the two of you are doing an amazing job!
    Love you all,
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan & Ty

  2. Hi All,

    Sounds like Caden was a busy young man! Maybe he was looking for attention on the 1st.!

    Absorb all your lessons on Caden's care. I think he has plans to keep you pretty busy when you return home.

  3. We continue to pray and cheer you all on. Caden's giving you lots of good practice before you take him home from the hospital, so you'll get that confidence before you leave. Good parents can do amazing things. He's lucky he has you two for his Mom and Dad.

    I LOVE the new picture. I think in this one, he looks like his Dad.
    Take Care!

  4. Sounds like Caden is already into that April Fool's Day prank thing---Yes, a red call button would be great, but you and David will be just fine. You two have already learned so much and you will finish your lessons with flying colors. Again thanks for sharing all your news. Caden is one lucky little boy to have you as his parents. Love to all--

  5. What great pictures of Caden. Caden is already showing you that just when you think you are in control of one situation, Caden will prove who is really in control(him). Caden's reports sound like he is moving forward faster than expected which is great. Which also proves that when we on Earth think we are in control of one situation, God will prove who is really in control(Him). God is in control and I am thankful that He is healing Caden quicker than expected. I will continue to pray for those vocal cords.
    Kristi Gooch

  6. Melissa, parents also acquire this thing called "instinct" both will do great when Caden comes home. I can't get over how healthy he has looked through this whole thing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day. Bruce and Darlene

  7. Well, now I know Caden is like his Dad! His first April Fools Day, and he is already a prankster! The newest picture is absolutely ADORABLE! What a sweet little guy! Melissa, I definitely feel for you and can understand your trepidation at being alone and without David. However, if you are anything like me, you will so enjoy special alone time with your son...such times are precious and to be cherished. Enjoy them! Also, I can see from all the posters on the blog that you have a great support system! I have a feeling that you will never be without someone at the end of that "red call button"! -- Debbie (and Jeff)

  8. That's a boy for you...always making a mess! :)
    Praying God will help you absorb all the necessary info you need to be able to go home soon. Also praying for added strength for you Melissa, when the time comes for David to go back to work. The pictures of Caden just make me smile. Thanks again for sharing with everyone. What a precious little boy!
    Christy Johnson

  9. As each day passes Caden looks more and more like his daddy. I am sure this is all so overwhelming, but you will both be full of knowledge and great at taking care of Caden.
    We continue to pray for you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  10. What a great picture! Can really see both of you in that cute face of his. Don't be worrying if you'll be able to do it all on your own, because when you HAVE TO, it will just come natural to you as a parent. You'll be amazed at your own instincts when it comes down to it.

    Stay strong.

    Nick & Pam

  11. Oh what a cutie pie. David he looks like you and apparently he is learning to be a prankster like his Daddy. You go Caden, keep getting stronger so we can all meet you. We are all thinking of you and saying our prayers. Love to you all, Dawn

  12. He is getting bigger every day in these priceless photos. He looks so adorable in his onesee. He looks so alert. Praying for god to give you all the knowledge in caring for caden marshall. You will do wonderful because you are a parent now. The knowledge will just come to you, just follow your instinct. Hoping the day to come home is soon. Melissa you were born to be caden mother, a wonderful one at that. Can't wait to meet him and hold him. Ya know I am the baby hog of this group, everyone knows that.
    Stay strong.

    Rick Nancy Girls
