
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31, 2009

David here with a quick update. Caden had another pretty good day. He is took an average of 30 cc's (1oz) orally which is pretty good progress for the last couple of days. Doc said that when he starts to take an average of half his total feeds orally (consistently) they will pull the NG tube. If he does not get enough nutrition, they will put it back in and possibly send us home (God willing) with a G tube. A g-tube is surgically installed directly to the belly whereas the NG tube goes up his nose and down to his belly.

Doctors are still concerned about his O2 levels and his renal saturation so they will keep playing with meds to get him to the best he can be.

That is it for today. Mom (Melissa) took a trip home today to knock some things out and hopefully just enjoyed being out of the general area for a while. Melissa has been really great and is quite the "mom" already. I admire her strength and approach to every challenge we have been through. As a dad it is not easy sometimes to face what we face and for Melissa I assume it can be even tougher. However she is handling everything pretty well and I am glad, everyday, that I am walking this path with her because I could not do it without her. Honestly, I learn something new about Melissa everyday which makes me feel like I have really hit the jackpot(corny I know but so what!).

David (& Melissa)


  1. The McCulloch FamilyMarch 31, 2009 at 8:44 PM

    Caden looks so good! Did the IV come out of the left hand? He looks ready to come home to Cary!
    Thanks for the update, reading the blog is one of the highlights of our day!
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan & Ty

  2. Hello to the Smith Family!

    I am hoping that today has brought you some of that ‘wealth of 'knowledge’ that you will need to take Caden home. As family, it is hard some times not to want to be there to ‘check things out’. I miss all of you terribly, but I know you need ‘space’. So, I am admiring
    you and your family from afar.

    Melissa, remember when you were in college and Eric checked you out by sitting at a table and just observing you? A brother’s love is very special, but I have learned a lot as I see my children grow to adults. Sometimes they are wise beyond words. Placing your thoughts only on Caden’s health is your prime job. Everyone else can wait to applaud and appreciate your results.

  3. Your are a very lucky man. Caden looks soooooo handsome in his little outfit. I pray everyday for that day you get to put him in the car and drive away as a family home. Thanks you so much for updating daily for everyone who loves and cares about you guys. God is good.

    Rick Nancy Girls Patches

  4. OMG!!! LOVE the new pic of the little stud!! He looks so happy!! :o) Is he wearing socks too?? This news of doctors talking about taking him home soon is just wonderful!! The light at the end of the tunnel is starting to get brighter and brighter every day! Now Caden, let's not make it just "talk"! You keep up the great job of eating and you'll be at your new "crib" in no time!

    Can't wait for more pictures and another update tomorrow!

    Love and positive thoughts,
    Chris Schuzer

  5. He's lookin' great! Sounds like you guys are getting into your groove to. I'm glad Melissa could get some "mommy time"- we all need that on occasion. Know that we are still praying for healing & the day Caden gets to come home.

  6. We can't believe that the first onsie isn't a CUBS shirt. He looks great. Enjoy your family time together and get edumecated.
    The boys can't wait to meet Caden when you bring him home.
    I love starting my day with Caden's progress.
    Love you all,
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  7. Caden looks wonderful. When you talk of going home, I feel so relieved for you. I know those words are the best you have heard in a long time. I hope the saturation levels continue to improve and he eats like a little pig. Good for Melissa getting to go home for one day. You guys need some time to regroup. God made the perfect match when you two met. Love to you all---

  8. Great picture of the little guy- he looks like he is ready to do somethng GREAT!! Melissa, I am glad to hear you were able to "leave", I am sure it was hard but sometimes as a MOM we need that :). David, you could not be more coreect when you speak of Melissa- you both have hit the jackpot with each other and Caden is going to bring MORE LOVE to the both of you everyday- it is kind of scary what those little guys can do to you :)
    Have a great Wednesday- even though this weather stinks!!!! Bring us some sunshine Caden!
    Love, Meg

  9. David and Melissa,
    Caden is so darn cute. I just want to hug and snuggle him. We are so hopeful that the next couple of weeks will go well so you can begin that wonderful family journey in your own home. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. Love from The Mongello Family!
    Mike, Lil and Alex

  10. He is looking so good and strong...and most of all...loved. Prayers do work. All my best to you!
    Scott Fech

  11. Today is Wednesday April 1st, better known as "April Fools Day"
    What is April Fools Day you ask?
    April Fool's Day, or All Fools' Day, is a holiday celebrated in many countries on April 1. The custom of playing practical jokes on friends was part of the celebrations in ancient Rome on March 25 (Hilaria) and in India on March 31 (Huli). The timing seems related to the vernal equinox and the coming of spring-a time when nature fools us with sudden changes between showers and sunshine.
    So what you need to do is practice that great aim of yours and give your Mom or Dad a squirt today...that would be very funny...Don't forget!
    From what I can tell, you have been doing much better with your feedings...Keep that up my little friend and you will be home in no time.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.
