
Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30, 2009

Hi everyone. It’s Melissa. Today’s blog update will be short as the day pretty much only consisted of Caden eating and sleeping. Caden had a great feed this morning taking in almost 1oz (60cc’s) orally. However, our little overachiever did so well, it is taking him 10 hours of sleep to recover from that great feed. He took only 8 cc’s in the afternoon, and 5 cc at dinner time and really wanted nothing to do with oral feedings. He just wanted to sleep.

Speech therapy visited again to make sure David and I are positioning Caden properly for his feedings. The position of Caden when feeding is important because with his vocal cord paralysis we need to ensure the fluid does not go to his lungs causing him to aspirate. His left vocal cord is paralyzed so Caden needs to be lying on his right shoulder when he feeds. We are feeling more and confident, but we have a lot to learn before we go home regarding feedings as well as general care.

It is possible that we may be able to bring Caden home in a couple of weeks (which we pray for) but that does not give us much time to learn everything there is to know to feel confident enough to care for him. That being said we need to ask for your help. We have truly appreciated the time you have taken to come visit us, however at this point we need to ask that you not pop in for visits.

We have to feel 100% comfortable with what they are teaching us and we have to show them we can do everything before they will let us leave. No pop in visitors is what we need however we realize it may be difficult for those who are close to us that have been following Caden’s progress. We know you will understand when we ask you to call us to check to see if it is a good time to visit.

We are thrilled for the day we can bring Caden home, but with excitement comes lots of anxiety and we want to feel we have done everything we can as parents before we start that journey together in our home. When we get Caden home, and as soon as we are settled, we would love for those of you who want to, to meet our son.

Last update for the night…… Dad got Caden to take an ounce and a third!!

Love and hope,

Melissa and David.


  1. The picture of Dad and Caden is precious -- they look like they are either deep in conversation or in great admiration for each other! Best wishes with all of the "training and testing" that's ahead for you -- we'll be praying that you pass with flying colors.
    -the Bogart's

  2. The lessons you will learn for Caden's care is your most important focus. Ace those classes!

    Love, Grandma Rita and Grandpa Fred

  3. Good Morning! What another great picture with David and Caden! Melissa, when our girls were born, they(the drs.) advised us too on many things we should do or don't do when having visitors, mainly handwashing. I'm sure everyone who loves and visits you will completely understand your request. Your main goal is to do everything you can to get your little one home! Keep your faith and continue to press on towards your goal. God is right by your side! Have a good day!
    With Love,
    Lori Mausey

  4. Thank you again for the update! Those uneventful days are the best because 'eventful' is not necessarily a good thing. You are both handling this complicated time so well. Juggling the rules that go with the NICU and all the visitors too is so challenging by itself. Then to complete the checklist of benchmarks that you have to meet so that your sweetie can come home as well can really wear a Momma and Daddy down.

    You have to limit visitors now. It is just the only way. And of course little Baby Caden's health and care must be your first priority.

    Still praying for you all around here!
    Shelley, Tom, Jack, Sean, Mason, and Ella Hudspath

  5. As the old adage goes no news is good news. Melissa, I for one know how well you can do in class, so Caden has no worries about his care when he goes home. Isn't it funny how only 10 oz of milk can mean so much. Children have a way of changing priorities. Thank you so much for the blog--I couldn't wait to check it this morning.

  6. Hang in there,you will be pros by the time you take him home. The speech therapists really know their stuff and will do everything possible for your little guy and for you too. Lois Petska

  7. What a beautiful, classic picture of a father bonding with his son. I think that one is my favorite picture so far. I would love to know what Caden is thinking while he looks at his daddy.
    Take time and learn all that you can.
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

    P.S. David, I know you are telling Caden that Auntie Kristen ROCKS during that conversation.

  8. The Schuzer FamilyMarch 31, 2009 at 9:17 AM

    Good morning Smith Family!! I love starting the day out with a good report on Caden!!! :o) (especially on a gloomy morning like today!)

    You can bet that I will never pop in on my own. Not a chance that I'd be able to find the place all by myself, so you are safe with me never dropping in for a surprise visit!! LOL!! ;op

    I can relate to you guys needing to hold Caden in a special position. For the first few months of Allee's life, she had to have her legs at a 90 degree angle. With all the tubes, wires and other contraptions, holding her and changing her diapers were quite the challenge! That was when I wish I had an extra arm! And trying to keep a wiggly baby in that position was no fun at all. Sure made for an irritable little baby!

    I continue to pray and send positive thoughts to you and your families. I thank you for taking the time to post something about Caden and yourselves everyday. It is nice to be a part of this journey and know that we are with you all the way, even if it is from our home! Continue to be strong. I'm sure Caden is feels your strength and love! God is watching over you and blessing you each and every day!

    The Schuzer's

  9. Hi. My friend Bethany told me about your website and I read a little bit about your story and what you are going through.

    Never give up and always have hope.
    My prayers will be with your family.

    Faith, Success, Recovery (F.S.R.),
    Nick Schmidt

  10. David, the look on your face as you look at Caden is precious. I can feel the love you have for your son just by looking at this picture. Glad the feedings are improving. I'm sure many family & friends are anxious to visit so you let me know when the time is right for YOU and I'll be there. Love, Aunt Ginny

  11. What a beautiful baby boy... We love all the new pictures! Keep up the good work, so you can bring your baby home as soon as possible.

    Love, Brad & Kelli Bishop

  12. Hi, Smith Family!!
    What beautiful pictures!! Thanks for posting!!! Caden is such a lucky little boy, with the most wonderful parents!! Know that you remain in our constant prayers each day. We love your reports and pictures!!! Keep that positive spirit!!
    Marilyn Eiceman

  13. Hello Caden-
    Today is Tuesday March 31st and it is the last day of the month. The last day of the month varies...some have 31 days and others have 30. That is except for February, that only has 28 days in it. Well, except for leap year, which will be in 2012, then February will have 29 days. Yes I know, a bit confusing. However, here is a quick little way to remember that:
    "30 days has September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31 except the second month alone, to which we 28 assign, 'til Leap Year gives it 29"
    What is a leap year?
    A leap year is a year in which one extra day has been inserted, or intercalated, at the end of February. A leap year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called common years, have 365 days.
    Now, how is the new floor? Have you met any of your neighbors yet? If not, you should! It is very important to always say hello, goodbye, please and thank you, to everyone you meet…it is an excellent gesture and very courteous. Your Daddy is very conscious of this and is extremely personable and very polite.
    Have a great day Caden!

  14. The picture posted takes my breath beautiful!
