
Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 29, 2009

Movin on up....(insert the song from The Jefferson's TV show in your mind for the remainder of the first paragraph). Caden Marshall has moved up to the 4th floor today. The 4th floor is still an Intensive Care Unit however it is not the PICU where a 1:1 nurse to patient ratio is the goal. Caden was moved up a day earlier than originally anticipated for two reasons. 1) The PICU needed the space as there were some critical kids coming in from a car accident [pray]. 2) Caden was the most stable kid in the PICU and was a great candidate to be moved.

The move was bitter sweet for Melissa and I... We understand that Caden moved up to the 4th floor because he is doing well however we are nervous he will not receive the same fantastic and personal care he has been receiving in the PICU. You see we have been spoiled at CHW to date. In the NICU we had Ann,Amy and others who took marvelous care of our son prior to surgery. Then, post surgery, we got to the PICU where Suzie and the rest of the nurses have been more than spectacular. Not to mention the great attention from Dr. Nancy and Dr. Hagen. We have been assured that Caden will receive great care here and after meeting a couple of the nurses Melissa and I feel a bit better.

Today Caden did better feeding for most of the day. He took 24 cc's at the 4pm feeding and another 20cc's orally at the 9PM feeding. We hope this trend continues. Melissa had some fun with Caden Marshall today. Actually I should say that Caden had fun with his mom. She left his "happy" uncovered during a diaper change and he took aim and hit her right in the middle of her shirt. We got a big laugh out of it. Later she was changing a deuce and she lifted up his knees and he shot some more out at her. We laughed even harder at that.

We hope you are all doing well and want to thank you once again for all the thoughts and prayers.

David & Melissa


  1. Nice shot, Kiddo! Happens to the best of us, Melissa! :o)
    Glad to hear things are going so well.
    Love and prayers,
    Tracee (and Jesse on my lap!)

  2. What great news you posted today. I couldn't be happier that Caden is moving on up (so to speak). Caden looks wonderful and his aim seems to be right on target. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  3. What wonderful news!

  4. The laughter that you spoke of will give me peace tonight. I know your hearts sing with joy when you look at his great, big eyes!

    I can't wait to come see him again and this time, hold him for a long time!

    Love, Grandma Rita

  5. So glad he was well enough to me moved. That is a great sign. And as for the "wee" Melissa, I will be happy to teach your the bob-n-weave and quick-cover techniques I have recently become "unfortunetly" an expert at!!

    Love you all!! Peggy

  6. What wonderful news. That means other WIN and a step closer to coming home and the three of you sleeping all together. Hope you all have a great day. Prays coming to you from Plainfield. Our heart is your hear. God is good.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  7. The McCulloch FamilyMarch 30, 2009 at 6:21 AM

    Happy to hear about another step in the right direction, next move...Cary, IL! Melissa, you have been officially "blessed" by Caden! David can't wait until it is your turn! Looking forward to our visit later this week. The kids are SO excited to finally meet Caden!
    We love you!
    Tommy, Cheryl, Megan and Ty

  8. WOW!! What a blessing God has given your family. I finally learned how to get to his room (after many failed attempts) and now I will get to "ACE" this new room. We can't wait to come up later this week. Carson and Chase are so anxious to meet their "younger" cousin.
    We Love you ALL
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  9. What great news! I'm so glad that things are going well for Caden, he's so cute with his eyes open- what a strong little boy you have there! Your dedication and love are pulling him through- I think about you all the time- sending many prayers!
    Jen Welty

  10. Two thumbs up from the Ritter Family! It's great news.

  11. Great news! Yet another praise report from Caden. I will continue to pray for his vocal cords. I am very thankful for your time to post the updates and share with us Caden's fun moments. We will continue to pray.
    Kristi Gooch

  12. What a handsome baby boy wow look at those spectacular eyes. I definitely see the Monroe family there. Please know that we continue to keep Caden in our thoughts and prayers and to bring a continued peace to the entire family.

  13. Wonderful news! Hey Melissa - When you change a baby boy... always keep your mouth closed! (spoken by someone who had a near miss!) I bet you won't find that in your text books. ;) We're always checking in to see how CM is doing. It's great to hear progress.

  14. Hello Caden-
    Today is Monday March 30th and it is a bit cold but very sunny! I am glad to hear that you are moving on we have to continue moving up and finally out! And we both know the easiest way for that to happen...keep eating! Eat! Eat! And Eat some more...You are doing great, but please keep up the good work! I am also glad to hear that you have inherited your daddy's sense of humor. However, he is not as funny as he seems to think. Nice aim bud! I am sure mom loved being the victim of some fancy target practice. If she didn't, which I am guessing that she did, your dad definitely loved it. So how does your new room and floor look? Any hot nurses you currently have your eye on...let me know. Have a wonderful day Caden.
    Love you lots.

  15. Oh my... I busted out laughing when I read your blog today!! (literally OUT loud.. my boss even walked into my office to find out what he was missing out on). Welcome to the club.. guess you can say that Caden 'christened' you! Zach, when a baby, got 3 of us at once!! Jason was changing the diaper & forgot the 'cover up'... Zach started peeing.. & Jason picked him up as a reflex & aimed away to protect himself.. but ended up getting Monique & I in the mean time!! Zach also liked the freedom of removing the diaper when he was 'going #2' & seemed to save a little for the removal! Great memories and no offense, glad my boys are 100% potty trained now!

    We can't wait to hear more wonderful stories of Caden! I love your blogs!

    Jason, Meredith, Zach & Jake Mickelson

  16. Great news ... I am so happy for you and that Caden is moving in the right direction. We can't wait to meet him in person and see the two of you very soon.

    Ps Melissa how funny with the tinkle, to date I've been the only one hit by my boys. It's a mommy blessing.

    Love you both and you're always in our thoughts.

    MJ, T & the boys

  17. We loved seeing Caden's pictures. He is looking very handsome and older.Sounds like he has good aim!!! Blessings, Tom & Gloria

  18. Sounds like you need the pee-pee tee-pee!!! Oh the joys of boyhood, to be able to pee whenever on whomever you want- Melissa, Ihate to say it, but even when Caden is Jackson's age he will think he can pee wherever he wants!! Glad to hear you signing the Jefferson song- one step closer!!! Thinking of you (as I always am). Hope you had a great day- Love, Meg

  19. So glad to hear that Caden is doing great! Too funny on getting hit Melissa:) You both look great holding him, what a beautiful boy you have. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers!
    Lindsay, Bryan, & Maddy

  20. Dear David & Melissa, I was so glad to hear your good news about Caden. Baby steps, that's what he is taking and patience, that is what you need to have. God Bless you.
    I'll pray for another baby step for him tonight. Love, Aunt Ginny
