
Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009 - Surgery Delayed

Hey all, David and Melissa here with a quick update. Caden Marshall's surgery has been postponed till tomorrow. We were informed there is an emergency that needs Dr. Tweddell. For Melissa and I it is like being stuck at the top of a roller coaster, waiting for the drop. The good thing is we get to love on him for one more day before his Glenn.

Hoping and praying.

David and Melissa.


  1. God's timing is always right. That gives Caden's body one more day to grow and gain strength. We will keep praying today for his Dr. and the emergency situation that drew her away from Caden. You're in our prayers.

  2. Many prayers coming from the Morini household. Caden looks so strong in all those recent pics, which we hope will carry over to the 2nd procedure. Our love, hope & prayers are with you Caden!

  3. Thinking and praying about you guys!!!
    Love, Nurse Julie

  4. Our thoughts & prayers are with you all.
    You have a one strong beautiful baby boy!
    He is just a doll.

    Love, Kelli & Brad Bishop

  5. Praying for the best for little Caden.
    Keeping the faith,
    Amy Franco

  6. We're keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers! Wish we could be nearer.
    Aunt Mary Lou

  7. Mark & Sheril RayMay 28, 2009 at 3:15 PM

    Love, support, and many prayers for all of you.

  8. How lucky you are to love on him all day along with Uncle Eric. This is one more day for him to get stronger and eat. Prayers coming from Plainfield. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  9. My prayers and thoughts are with you all day today and again tomorrow as Caden heads into surgery. I'm sure your emotions are all over the place. Waiting is sometimes hard but it gives you one more day of holding Caden close
    before the surgery.
    Love, Aunt Ginny

  10. The Tyner, Bailey and Holland families are all praying for Caden and his surgery tomorrow.

    Philippians 4:6 says, "Don't worry about anything; but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanks, let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses every thought, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."

    We pray for you and your family to feel the peace of God tomorrow.

    Tammy Holland

  11. One more day and night to get stronger. Love and many prayers for Caden. Keep strong. Many thought will be with you tomorrow.

    Love Dawn

  12. Caden is such a special baby with incredible parents. I have been reading about Caden since birth, and I have been touched by your strength. My prayers continue for you and your family. God is good!

    Amy Sanders

  13. Monique Smith OtterbeckMay 28, 2009 at 10:34 PM

    Prayers and support coming from the Iowa Smith clan...know that you are loved and that God will give you the strength you need. You named your son Caden for a reason--he has proven that he is a little fighter and will I know he will continue to be one for this next hurdle.

    I am putting Caden's name on the prayer chain again at our church in Des Moines and I know he is on the prayer chain at my mom's church as well. Plenty of prayers for you all from "Corn Land!"

  14. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Friday May 29th and I am happy to hear that you had another day to build up your strength for this next step in your recovery. Obviously yesterday was not the right day to perform your surgery and it needed to be today. I know that everything is going to turn out fine and you will be “H” sooner then you know.
    Yesterday, I mentioned hockey and the prestigious Stanley Cup. Which is notably the oldest trophy competed for by professional athletes in North America, and was donated in 1892 by Sir Frederick Arthur Stanley, Lord Stanley of Preston and son of the Earl of Derby. He purchased the trophy for 10 guineas ($50.00 at that time) to be presented to "the championship hockey club of the dominion of Canada." the first team ever awarded the Stanley Cup was the Montréal Amateur Athletic Association in 1893.
    Since 1910, when the National Hockey Association took possession of the Stanley Cup, the trophy has been symbolic of professional hockey supremacy. Beginning in 1926, only the NHL teams have competed for this prized trophy.
    And since that time the Montreal Canadians currently hold the record for having won the most Stanley Cups. They have won the championship/Cup 23 times since the NHL was formed.
    Once again, stay strong and focused Caden

  15. All of our Prays, Hopes, and Love is with Caden!! Marty & Peggy Draper

  16. On the morning I was supposed to go in for the c-section to deliver the kids, our doctor came in with a nurse to tell me that there was no room for 4 babies in the NICU and we would have to wait another day. The nurse was giving Tom the hairy eyeball to come over and comfort me. And I was doing a little celebration dance in my head because I could wait one more day to begin being a parent. Maybe not the most mature reaction, but there you go. I would bet that there is a part of both of you that was relieved to have another day before embarking on the next step in this long parade of healing and development. Good luck today. We are still praying for you and sweet little Caden.

    Shelley Hudspath

  17. Called Rita and left a message for all of you. Just know our prayers never stop for all of you, and we know the Lord hears every prayer and knows each time we think of you. We know God has His arms around you and Guardian Angels are near. I love you ALL with all my heart! Donna

  18. There are times when words are just not adequate ....just know that we (and God too) hold all of you in our arms. Bruce and Darlene

  19. We are thinking and praying for you here in Iowa. Mom, Zach, Jacob & I are all wearing our Caden shirts! You all have been on our minds & always in our prayers! Caden will be strong for you, just like you are being (and have been) strong for him! God is watching over & is with you always!! Good luck with the surgery! We're thinking of you all!
    Meredith, Jason, Zach & Jake Mickelson

  20. The Woyteks are thinking about all of you and sending lots of prayers.
