
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

Hello from CHW. David here with a Caden Marshall update for you. Well since out last post on Monday Caden has not been doing so well with his saturation levels or blood pressure. As you know Caden was put back on oxygen to help is saturation levels last Wednesday. Since then he has required more and more oxygen to keep is SP02 levels in the low 80’s. We were informed on Tuesday that the value of the first surgery has run its course and he will need his second surgery soon. Much sooner than the average 4 month of age mark. Caden Marshall will have his Bi-Directional Glenn surgery performed by Dr. Tweddell tomorrow (Thursday).

Melissa and I were hoping to have Caden Marshall much bigger for the second surgery but it was not meant to be. Having this surgery early does create additional risks. Risks around him tolerating the surgery and infection are the big ones. The doctors have informed us of the risks and advised us there is more risk to him if we wait longer to perform the second surgery. Unlike the first surgery (Norwood) however this is a much less invasive procedure. This surgery will result in the removal of the BT Shunt which has caused so much trouble. Dr. Tweddell will detach the superior vena cava from the right atrium and attach it directly to the pulmonary artery. This surgery should improve his saturation levels as it will reduce the pressure on the heart and make the blood distribution to the lungs passive. I have placed and illustration of the Bi-Directional Glenn below. Caden will enter surgery around noon tomorrow for what is an average of a 4 hour procedure. We will be sure to update tomorrow night.

Melissa and I are doing okay and we are hopeful and continue to pray for our son. Can we ask that you do the same please. Some of our family has joined us here at CHW to support us during the surgery. We are very thankful that they are here as we will need them. Uncle Eric was able to fly in from Arizona which is really fantastic. I know Melissa appreciates that he is here more than she will ever be able to tell him. Thanks Eric!! This is the first time Eric has got to hold his nephew and by the looks of it, Caden is enjoying it as much as Eric is.

We look for your support and prayer tomorrow. We pray that the surgeons will have the steady hands and skills to perform this stage of the surgery. We pray that Caden Marshall is able to tolerate the physiological changes to his heart. And for Melissa and I, pray for strength. We tend not to ask for much but we ask that you pray with us.

David and Melissa


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I will be saying an extra prayer for you all! Just like his parents, Caden is strong and I know he will do well tomorrow!

    Love you lots, Jilly

  2. I will be praying for Caden to have a successful surgery and also remembering what it is like to be in your shoes in that waiting room. The hardest part is letting him go off to surgery but he will be in the best of hands with Dr. Tweddell and his team. Lois Petska (Braden's grandma)

  3. Special prayers will continue to come from good 'ol Southern Illinois tomorrow! Nothing is too big for our God!
    With love,

  4. David and Melissa,
    I will be keeping the three of you in my thoughts and prayers. I agree with Braden's grandma.....the hardest thing will be sending Caden off. You guys have been there for each other, and I know you will continue to do so for one another. Make sure you drink lots of water! :o) Be sure to lean on your family that is there with you. It will comfort you and them as well! I hope you will be able to feel all the postive thoughts being sent your way from all over the country! Caden has so many people on his side! He is a true fighter!! The Schuzer's will be wearing their Caden shirts tomorrow to show their support!

    Love you all!
    The Schuzer Family

  5. David and Melissa,

    May everyones prayers and positive thoughts continue to surround you and help to keep you strong!

    God Bless You All!

    Keep fighting the good fight little warrior!

    Love, prayers and postive thoughts!

    Pam and John Lawrence

  6. Melissa and David, We are and will be praying for Caden. "Give all your worries to God, because He care about you." ! Peter 5:7 Blessings, Tom and Gloria

  7. Take comfort in knowing that Caden's medical team is not only skilled and knowledgeable but that they truly, truly love him.
    Love, hugs and prayers,

  8. Our hearts are with you guys always. We will be praying for all three of you tomorrow. Praying for caden to be the little fighter he has proven to be and for you and your family to stay strong threw this next journey. God has held your hands threw everything and will do so tomorrow. God is Good. Prayer and strength being sent from Plainfield. Love Ya.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  9. Praying for abundant peace. Wisdom & steadfastness for the Drs. God has been & will continue to be faithful!

  10. Your family has prayers coming from Coal City!!!
    Love, The Jenke and Vantholen Family

  11. Prayers for comfort and strength to all of you.

    The Webers

  12. Dear David & Melissa,
    All I'll be doing all day long today is sending prayers to God for a successful surgery for Caden and strength for you and the rest of the family that is with you. And especially for God to guide the hands of Dr. Tweddell and his surgical team. Love, Aunt Ginny

  13. Be strong and stay strong!! My thoughts and prayers are with you (as they always are). Caden is in good hands both before and during and after surgery. I love you all!!!
    Love, Meg

  14. I have said my prayers over you all as well as the drs. God is by you all today. Stay strong.
    With Love,

  15. We will pray for Caden, his family, and the doctors. We will specifically pray for Caden's physical needs and all your emotional/spiritual needs. God has been and will continue to be with you through this next stage of Caden's life. He is already a blessing and an example of God's healing. You will be in our prayers.

  16. David and Melissa

    Please know that Caden is in good hands with the surgeon and hospital staff for his surgery today. Remember also that he will be waiting to be back in your arms as desperately as you are waiting to hold him too.

    Thinking of you,

  17. We are praying for Caden and you here at the Hudspath household. God Bless.

  18. Hi guys,

    We are praying for all of you and especially for Caden's surgery to go well today. We know he is in the best of hands with his wonderful doctor and he's such an amazing fighter, that we know he'll pull through like a champ.

    We will be thinking of you guys all day today and sending positive, healthy thoughts Caden's way.

    You are such a strong, incredible, intelligent couple and the greatest parents to Caden. We are constantly amazed by your strength and courage and faith. Caden is so blessed to have you guys for his parents. And with knowing how special Caden is, you guys are blessed to have him. It certainly is a match made in heaven!

    Keep us posted and updated as things progress. Please know you have a million prayers coming from Arizona!

    Susie and family

  19. Melissa and David
    We have called in all the mommy and grandma prayer warriers here in Goreville IL. We have 3 moms in touch prayer groups praying for Caden, you the doctors, staff, everything. I have seen so many wonderful things that God can do through prayer with my own children and He knows your faith. If you are worried about being strong enough-dont worry God will carry you! I have always believed that God especially hears the prayers of children and you have many of those also praying for baby Caden.We love you and we trust and believe in God. I am also praying for that peace that passes understanding that only God can give as you hand over baby Caden for surgery. Love, Tricia and the Bailey family and the Goreville Church Family

  20. Good Morning Caden-
    Today is Thursday May 28th and they will be performing the next stage of your surgery; "The Glenn". I know that this stage has approached sooner than had originally been expected and the doctors were hoping that you would've bulked up and been closer to the target weight of 20lbs. However, we both know that you are physically and mentally prepared for this surgery and will once again emerge victorious…Because that is what being a true warrior is all about!
    On the lighter side, the Blackhawks magical season finally came to an end when they lost to the Redwings, in overtime, 2-1 last night. The Blackhawks had a tremendous ride this past year and should be very competitive for many years to come.
    Now, the Detroit Redwings will prepare for their matchup against the Pittsburgh Penguins. Actually, these 2 teams were in the finals last year, when the Redwings defeated the Penguins 4 games to 2. This is going to be the NHL's first Stanley Cup rematch since the Edmonton Oilers beat the New York Islanders back in 1984 after the Oilers had lost to the Islanders the previous year.
    The Red Wings, the first defending champion to get back to the finals since New Jersey did it in 2001, are trying to become the first team to repeat, since they coincidently accomplished the feat, 11 years ago, during the 1997/'98 season.
    Stay Strong and focused today Caden

  21. May God lay his hands upon all of you today!
    Much Love,
    The Ritter Family
