
Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23, 2009 - Pop Tabs

Hi! Over the last couple of days in the hospital Caden's saturations started to drop again. Dr. Nancy felt it was because he was getting dehydrated again so they dropped the NG tube back down to feed him the remaining of the food he wasn't taking orally. This helped for a day then his oxygen saturations started to dip again so last night they put oxygen back on Caden. We have tried to wean him several times today but as of now his body still requires it to keep his saturations in the high 70's to low 80's. Now we are just waiting, and monitoring all of his numbers to see what our next step might be.

Since David is loving on Caden right now I thought I'd use this time while I have access to his laptop to give you some insight into the RMH pop tab program. As you know David and I have felt so blessed by the Ronald McDonald Home and you hear us talk about it often. We count our blessings we have such a wonderful place to call home while Caden remains hospitalized so we don't have to drive back and forth from Cary, IL to Milwaukee, WI. It has been almost 10 weeks we have utilized this wonderful house so I wanted to let you know there are some easy things you can do to make a difference to help all the homes across the U.S. Collect your pop-top tabs.
Maybe you have seen people pull these off but had no idea what they did with them. If you want to help instead of throwing them away- keep them. The RMH recycles them and the money collected helps with the operation and supplies for the home. They can be dropped off directly or there are other options that are listed on there website ( and visit the pop tab page.

I know many of you are already familiar with this program and some of you might already collect them but in case you weren't and want to make a difference save the tabs. Your small action does make a difference. Last month I watched the cars continue to swing by and drop the tabs off from a small baggies to huge plastic milk jugs. It is amazing to see how these little tabs can really add up. If you wish you can see the money they have raised check out their website.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Mark & Sheril RayMay 23, 2009 at 6:01 PM

    Hey guys... what an easy way to help out. You can count on us to help collect some pop tops!
    Caden, buddy... hope you get your appetite back soon! You need all that yummy stuff to help you get big and strong :)
    Take care! Many prayers headed your way!

  2. The Skopek FamilyMay 23, 2009 at 6:28 PM

    Carson hung up a poster at school a month or so ago and has come home with bags of pop tops :) He is so excited to show you how many he has collected for Caden. What an easy way to help out. We will continue to collect tabs and continue to pray for strength and comfort.
    We love you all
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  3. Dear David, Melissa & Caden,
    Sorry to hear you are back in the hospital but like you say it's the best place for Caden right now to get the medical care he needs.
    I hope he improves his intake and O2 sat soon.
    I'll be saving all the pop tops for RMH and so will the rest of the family after I talk to them. Love to you all, Aunt Ginny

  4. Keep the faith. You are in are daily thoughts and prayers. Love from Plainfield.

    Rick Nancy Girls
