
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Suns Up Guns Up


  1. Thanks for the cute picture update! He is getting cuter and cuter everyday!! :o)

    Chris Schuzer

  2. good monday morning from dreary, rainy southern illinois. Had to go back and read your posts from Friday. Am praying for you to be strengthened by our Lord as you anticipate this next surgery. You know, there is a song, "One Day at a Time" that was my mom's favorite as well as many "older" people. I understand that now as I am "older" also, but we are all to take it "one day at a time". He is a beautiful boy and you are a beautiful family. You are in my prayers each day.

  3. We are continuing to keep you in our prayers. We appreciate your updates, but taking care of Caden and each of you are the main concerns. God is in control. We will keep praying.

  4. Hello Caden-
    Today is Monday April 13th and it is officially the Chicago Cubs home opener. However, it will most likely be cancelled since it is a gloomy, rainy day. I was wondering…did you happen to rub it in, to all of the hospital staff, when the Cubbies took the series from the Brewers last night? If you haven’t, make sure that you do.
    So how many colored eggs did the Easter Bunny bring to you? Actually, if you think about it, the Easter Bunny bringing eggs doesn't make very much sense. Rabbits don't exactly lay eggs…now do they?
    For as long as there has been Easter, there have also been Easter eggs. The egg is seen as a symbol of new life. For thousands of years, it has been the custom to give eggs as gifts at spring festivals. There seems to be two explanations on how this all started. First, the goddess, Eastre's, favorite animal was a bunny; hence it was believed that a bunny delivered her eggs. A second explanation is based upon a legend about a woman who dyed eggs for her children at Easter. She hid them in a nest and when the children found the nest, a big rabbit hopped away. They thought the rabbit brought the eggs, and the story began.
    Hey I see that you have been working out…nice pipes. Actually, I think they may already be bigger than your daddy’s arms...Keep up the good work my little warrior!
    Have a wonderful day Caden

  5. Dave, Caden is getting cuter and cuter every day. This picture of you holding him in your lap is priceless. The expression on his face of excitement was I'm sure because of the Cub's win. Love you, Aunt Ginny

  6. We are in awe of Caden's strength and also of your strength. We continue to pray and send happy thoughts your way. He is a beautiful boy and we love you all so much.
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  7. Good morning Caden-
    Today is Tuesday April 14 and it is rainy and cold. However, it is a great day because the cubs have won their home opener and are currently in 2nd place in the National league - Central Division. Yes, baseball has to separate leagues; The National League where the Cubs play and the American league where the Sox play.
    Baseball’s history is rich and complex, full of colorful characters, timeless moments and tremendous achievements. It is the story of racism and redemption, doctored balls and labor strikes, players and owners, victory and defeat. Just like the sport itself, baseball’s history has been both unpredictable and bound by cause-and-effect.
    On April 22, 1876, the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs was established. This league was formed with an eight-team circuit consisting of: the Boston Red Stockings, Chicago White Stockings;{Cubs}, Cincinnati Red Legs, Hartford Dark Blues, Louisville Grays, Philadelphia Athletics, Brooklyn Mutuals and St. Louis Browns. All owners agreed to play a seventy game schedule between April 22 and October 21.
    The White Stockings ;{ Cubs}, went on to win the first National League pennant after defeating the Hartford Dark Blues by six games. They finished the season 52-14. It wasn’t until 1901 when the American league was formed and I will go into that tomorrow.
    Have a wonderful day Caden.

  8. Don't know much about all this Cub baseball talk, but do know that little Caden is as cute as a button! We can't wait to see him!! Keep strong Mel and know we are thinking about you and your family. Love you and miss you lots! Here is a few hugs and kisses to send your way XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
    Love, Julieann
