
Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009 - Man Day

Hey all. David here on Friday night. Today Caden Marshall and I spent the day together as Melissa and her mom went back to Cary to take care of some things. It was nice to catch up with him after being gone for a couple of days working. We had a really good day together although we both miss Melissa.

Caden ate like a champ for me for the three feedings I gave him. He took a record 60ccs for me at the Noon and 9pm feedings and he took a very respectable 45 cc's for me at the 3pm feeding. Caden kept all feedings today down. Caden was weighed today and is now just over 9lbs. We pray this trend continues. With the 2nd surgery likely being done sooner than the 4month mark, bigger is better.

His saturation levels continue to drop at times however they are in the high 70's and low 80's for the most part. Melissa and I continue to speak out when they dip into the mid 70's or go lower.

Caden and I went for walk around the third floor today. We (nurse Susie and I)hooked him up to the "travel" monitors and oxygen and hit the road. I declined the stroller as I wanted to be able to hold him close to the window when I showed him the outside. I have to be honest, after a couple of laps I was wishing I had the stroller. It is funny how a 9lb kid can feel like a 50lb kid after just 20 minutes!! Caden appeared to have a good time on the walk even though after the 2nd lap he was out like a light. Maybe I was the only one actually having the good time because I continued doing laps of the 3rd floor even though Caden was asleep.

Last night Rita, Melissa, and I went out to dinner to celebrate Melissa's birthday. We went to Bonefish and had a nice meal together. I think Rita being here has really helped Melissa. It is not easy, as you can imagine, for Melissa to watch her son get poked and prodded as well dealing with the uncertain future but as I know, a moms hug goes a long way. Thanks Rita!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Please keep it up as we believe the prayers are, and are going to continue, working.



  1. Go Caden! What a great day with dad. Southern Illinois is praying for you and your family little one. We are so glad that Rita got to spend a few days there with you all. We know she loved it and what a nice treat for Melissa to be near her mom on her birthday. Caden Marshall Smith you already a miracle and a blessing. We will continue to keep you in our prayers.

  2. What a great report! I am so glad that Caden is eating so well and keeping it down. Grandma Rita came at just the right time. Keep up the good work, Caden. Although we love the blog, we wish for the day when we can see you in person and give you hugs. Thinking of you constantly-----

  3. Caden
    you are doing great eating so well. It helps to have Daddy there too. Sounds like Melissa
    had a good birthday! Keep up the good work.
    We are thinking of you and praying for you.
    Tell Grandma Rita hello for us. Love Bruce and

  4. What a great day for you and your Daddy. I am sure your Mommy missed you but it was nice for her to get out and spend some time with her Mommy your Grandma. Great job keeping your feeding down. Keep up the good work Caden. Happy Birthday Melissa. I hope you had a good day with your mom and what a great place to have dinner.

    Much love and Prayers,

  5. Greetings from sunny Wauconda. We are sitting with the kids for Chris and Dana..and glad to hear you have made some progress. It has to be the presence of grandma! Caden knows when to be really good or else he won't get an extra piece of candy and soda. (kidding of course) We are thinking of you all every day. Take care..Bruce and Darlene

  6. We are so glad that Caden kept his feedings down and is gaining. Mom's are very important, but the love of a dad and son is indeed special. Way to go Rita, Caden is showing off for his Grandma. Belated Happy Birthday, Melissa. Praying daily for everyone! Jane and Jim

  7. Hi Caden,
    I am back home now so you have to keep up the great work with your feedings! David! You have the TOUCH! Sounds like he really enjoyed the 'Dad and Son Day". Melissa and I got a lot accomplished during our time away, but Caden and David were always in our thoughts. Can't wait to hear how things went on Sunday!

  8. We sooo love reading the blog, but David it was great to hear about Caden's progress during our conversation. It sounds like your Man Day was a big success!!!! There is a special bond between a boy and his daddy. We love you all and can't wait to see you.
    Keith, Kristen, Carson and Chase

  9. Monique Smith OtterbeckApril 18, 2009 at 9:31 PM

    Happy that you had a day together, you two Smith men you! Still sending prayers and good thoughts everyday.


  10. Just thinking about you guys and wishing I could give all of you a big big hug. Hope you guys have a grrrrrrrreat day. Still praying for health and strength. Love you.

    Rick Nancy Girls

  11. Hello Caden-
    Today is Sunday April 19th and this weather really doesn't know what it wants to do. Yesterday it was a beautiful sunny spring day and today it is cold and rainy. Oh well! So I hear that you and your Daddy had a little man time. That's awesome. I am sure that you enjoyed your time with him.
    Yesterday was a great day to be a Chicago Sports fan. Every team won: The Sox won 8-3; the Cubs won 7-5; the Hawks won 3-2, and the Chicago Bulls took the 1st game in the playoffs with a 105-103 Victory...Very exciting stuff!
    The Chicago Bulls are an American professional basketball team based in Chicago, Illinois, playing in the Central Division of the Eastern Conference in the National Basketball Association (NBA). The team was founded in 1966 and is generally regarded as one of the NBA's most successful franchises. The team is well known for having one of the greatest dynasties in NBA history during the 1990s, winning six championships in 8 years with two three-peats. Those championship teams had players such as Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and Dennis Rodman, and the coach was Phil Jackson. The Bulls won an NBA record 72 games during the 1995–96 NBA season and are the only team in NBA history to win 70 games in a single season.
    Basketball is a team sport in which two teams of five active players each try to score points against one another by placing a round ball through a a hoop which is ten feet in height. Basketball is one of the most popular and widely viewed sports in the world.
    Good night Caden.

  12. Good morning! Just arrived at school, went to computer to check on the three of you...sure loved the picture of David and Caden and thrilled to read the progress report. Grandma Rita really needed the time with you, as much as you needed her...the Circle of Love. I said my prayers for you this morning, as always, and think of you countless times daily. Take care of yourselves. Love to you. Donna
