
Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011 - No Surgery for now (YEAH!)

Nurse Julie, Nurse Shelly, and Speech Therapist Angie
Physical Therapist Jackie

We had our cardiology appointment on Friday 3/4 and got GREAT news. Although we didn't get great oxygen saturations there we had been getting slightly higher readings 78-82 here at home. Numbers we haven't seen in awhile. As much as we tried to prep him for when the doctors and nurses listen to his heart and take his oxygen readings he gets so worked up from crying we don't get good readings so they are basing the sats off the numbers we have gotten over the last few weeks at home. Since his heart sounded good, with no concerns with the tricuspid regurgitation at this point they feel confident to hold off on surgery (The Fontan - 3rd surgery) until next summer. YEAH! We knew surgery (heart cath or early Fontan) could be a possibility which would be determined from this appointment so we couldn't be more excited.

We took David's mom Sue up with us to Milwaukee so we could have an extra hand with Griffin. Thanks Sue. It was definitely needed. We got to visit and drop off some auction items to Chris for the Wings of Angels dinner on April 9 ( as well and see so many nurses and therapists that Caden had during his two surgeries. We even got to see Dr. Nancy! Always hard to catch and great to see.

Since Caden is approaching his 2nd birthday this Friday I couldn't help but think about this great group here at Children's who have given us this opportunity to share this special day with our boy. You have no idea how important you are to us. You have been with us, cared for our son, and continue to show your support through the years. Thanks!

Blessed again,
Love - Melissa


  1. What wonderful news Melissa! I've been thinking about you guys knowing there was an appointment soon!!!!! I'm so glad that Caden is doing so well!! That is terrific!!! Now how about some pictures of the boys together? Better yet, how about some videos?????? :)

  2. I am so glad to hear! I know how you feel... It is a true weight lifted and I know that your family is super excited to celebrate Caden's 2nd Birthday on Friday along with the many blessing so far this year. Love and miss you all.

    Naomi and the Gesler Clan

  3. Happy Happy birthday!
    Love the Webers

  4. Happy Birthday Caden! You and I share a birthday! Mine was fabulous & hope yours was too!
    Love, Jen Regan
    (Miss Dana's former neighbor on Trailside)

  5. Justin and Jodie PusickMarch 19, 2011 at 4:25 PM

    Happy belated birthday big brother Caden. You're lookin good!!!!!

    Lindsey Jo Pusick
