
Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4, 2010 - Grandma and Grandpa's

Caden's cool new little chair Grandma and Grandpa bought - 14 mo.
Grandpa Fred giving Caden a little lesson in gardening...
I think Caden was interested in the Garden discussion....

Hi. Caden and I took a quick trip home to Marion to visit the family. It was short, but it was very nice. I've been battling a cold or something for over 2 weeks now and I've managed to give it to David and Caden so although we felt a little under the weather it was nice to relax. We are heading back to Milwaukee on Monday 6/7 for a Hypoplastic Clinic apppointment and we have rescheduled a cardiology appointment with Dr. Kovach for July instead of September after discussing Caden's fatgiue to the doc he wants to doublecheck his Captipril (heart medication for afterload) doesn't need to be increased with his weight gain. Caden looks great, acts great, but seems to sleep a lot more lately which is just "different" for him. I would just think it is normal "growing spurts" but the doctor wasn't convinced it should be lasting more than 3 weeks so other than the fatigue Caden is doing great and I'll end with a few pics of our trip home to Southern Illinois.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Smith Family...

    We are so glad that you are enjoying the summer so far doing all of the things that families should be doing, and not in the hospital!!! Love the pictures of your little man.

    Miss you all,

    The Buchmann's
