
Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21, 2010 - Speech therapy and Tot Swimming

Caden has officially started his weekly speech therapy and tonight was his first swim lesson (if you can call it that). Since we had a referral for speech from Children's Hospital in Milwaukee we just decided to go privately to get the ball rolling to get him caught up vs. wait the 35+ days that the Birth to 3 program can take. This way while I'm off for the summer I can take him, work with him, in hopes to get him caught up. The first appointment was primarily an intake appointment but the therapist did agree Caden fell into the 6-7 month mark for some expressive language. In addition, another recommendation from Caden's Hypoplastic clinic appointment in Milwaukee was to help strengthen Caden's core for walking/standing. They recommended the pool. We started a parent/tot swim class tonight(more like splashing around) at an indoor health club. David got in the water tonight with Caden while I watched and snapped some pics with my cool new camera. I'm not sure who had more fun David or Caden but nontheless, Caden seems to be having a good time.

Thanks to the Petska's for letting us borrow their pulse ox machine to monitor Caden's oxygen sats until our appointment in early July. We have noticed a few times some sweating while Caden is eating so it is nice to have on hand to ease our nerves.

Oh.....and we broke the pacifer this past week. We are officially one week WITHOUT the "nuk". Yeah! One of David's friends is a pediatric dentist and recommended to wean off the "nuk". This might help his 2 front teeth drop down. So.....we wait and find out if this works. We needed to get rid of the pacifer anyway, but I think we were just trying to avoid the all the crying that we knew would occur. Thankfully, it was just a few long nights!

Love to you all, and to all you fathers out there. Happy Belated Father's Day.



  1. Congrats on getting read of the pacifier! Colin never took one, but our daughter did until she was TWO! So applause for that one!!!!
    Caden looks so cute swimming in the pool. That will be a lot of fun for him.
    So glad you got to borrow a pulse ox machine to help ease your mind. I can't believe you don't have one of your own.
    Praying for good news in July!

    Jennifer & Colin

  2. He looks like such a big boy in the pool! Both the boys seem to be having too much fun. I never thought of the swimming to help with the core muscles! I will need to snatch that idea from you!!!
    Hope July brings good news for you!
    Much love and prayers

  3. There are two handsome guys in that pool!

  4. Hey guys! I am sorry you to just catch up on this now, glad to hear the paci is gone, but scary that his sats are lower. SO glad to know that you got a pulse ox...I would rather drive myself crazy with it then not know and second guess myself. When can we see you guys?
    PS He looks SO cute in the pool. Little man.
